A Thought

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We got back to the car, getting in. When we're in the car Isabel looked over at me.
Isabel: "What's wrong?"
Me: "Huh? Oh nothing"
I say wiping away my tears.
Isabel: "Raegan are you crying too?"
Raegan: "Um no, I um, allergies"
Isabel: "Mhm"
I start the car and start driving home.
When we get home, we al go inside. Isabel hoes off to her room, Raegan and me going to mine.
When I get to my room, I find 3 empty boxes in my room.
On my bed I find a note.
*I want these boxes full by the time I get home.      -Dad*
Me: "Oh, great"
Raegan: "What is it?"
Me: "I have to pack"
Raegan picks up the note.
Raegan: "Yeah, I see that"
Me: "Wanna help?"
I say looking up at him.
Raegan: "Sure, whatcha need me to do"
Me: "Um, well I guess we'll start packing the things I won't need this week"
I walk over to my book shelf and start packing books and movies.
Me: "All the things in the top drawer can go in the box."
Raegan: "okay"
He starts putting the things in boxes, and I continue too.
Raegan: "Aw"
I turn around looking at him.
Me: "What?"
Raegan pulls out a picture frame, with a picture with us in it.
Me: "oh yeah, I remember that"
Raegan: "I never saw this picture, I like it"
Me: "Keep it"
Raegan looks at me and smiles.
Me: "Something to remember me of"
Raegan: "Justin"
Me: "I'm just saying"
Raegan: "I know but can you not think like that"
Me: "Well how is this easy for you?"
Raegan: "Easy?"
Me: "Yeah, you seem just fine"
Raegan: "What am I supposed to do? Huh? Break down in tears every time I see you because I know it's only so long before your off to another state?"
Me: "Well no I guess not-"
Raegan: "You think I want the live of my life, you the first person I've really actually loved to be away from me."
Me: "Raegan I didn't mean-"
Raegan: "Its was hard just being away three weeks during the summer, but how about now, three months, fly in see you for 3 days?"
Me: "Okay! I get it. But how was I supposed to know, you didn't show any type of feelings."
I was then my dad, knocked on the door.
Dad: "Justin?"
I wiped away the small tears that were coming down my eyes.
Me: "Yeah?"
He opens the door.
Dad: "Hey Raegan"
Raegan: "Mr. Blake"
Me: "He's helping me pack"
Dad: "Okay, was just checking in, everything's alright"
Me: "Everything's fine"
My dad looked at Raegan.
Raegan: "Yeah, everything's fine"
My dad, smiled, walking out of the room.
It was silent for a little while then he said something.
Raegan: "Look Justin"
Me: "No, Raegan, it's fine, I don't want to fight anymore, I just want to spend time with you"
Raegan: "Yeah, me too"
Raegan helped me pack up the few boxes that my dad had wanted me to fill up.
After that, we ended up throwing in this movie, a before I knew it I fell asleep.
And it was nice, not staying up late, thinking about the things I've been thinking about, moving, Raegan, everything.
I woke up the the sound of my alarm.
I reach over turning it off, then I turn around looking at Raegan, accept he wasn't there.
I look back on my phone, got a text from him this morning.
Raegan: *Hey, left last night, I'll see you at school, love you"
I put my phone down, grabbing some clothes and a towel, heading to the shower. I turned the water hot, while I was in there the room filled with steam. I stayed in there a while. Until I heard banging on the door.
Isabel: "Come on Justin you've been in there for hours, save some hot water for me"
I wiped my face.
Me: "Yeah, um be out in a minutes"
Isabel: "Okay"
I tuned off the water, getting out and putting my clothes on. I open the door, and the steam mixes with the cooler air on the other side of the door.
Isabel: "Dang you could have had it hotter in there?"
Me: "Sorry"
Isabel: "Its fine, um you don't have to wait up for me, Mikey's picking me up"
Me: "Oh Mikey?"
Isabel: "Yeah"
Me: "So are you two like a thing"
Isabel: "Um, I don't know yet"
Me: "Does he know about us moving?"
Isabel: "Yeah, unfortunately"
Me: "Oh okay"
Isabel: "Yeah well I gotta get ready so.."
Me: "Yeah totally"
Isabel closes the door and takes a shower, and I do my hair, stuff like that.

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