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I put my shoes my the door and sat down next to Raegan on the couch.
Raegan: "Okay Miles, this is Justin"
Miles: "Hi, Justin"
I smiled.
Me: "Hi"
After that he ran off into another room.
Me: "He's nice"
Raegan: "Yeah, I guess. Sorry he shot you"
He said, with a giggle.
Me: "Eh, it's fine, he's just a kid. So he's the only one your watching?"
Raegan: "No he has a sister, about the same age, she watching tv upstairs"
Me: "oh cool"
Raegan put on some show. Then he put his arm over my shoulder, and I sat up next to him.
Raegan: "So how's Isabel and that date"
Me: "Um, I think she stressed out a little too much about it"
Raegan: "How?"
Me: "Well she spent like an hour just finding the right outfit"
Raegan: "Oh, so did you meet the guy"
Me: "Yeah, he seemed alright, I may have went a little over bored trying to be that "protective" big brother, maybe I scared him"
Raegan: "Well isn't that a good thing"
Me: "Yeah, I guess"
Miles: "Raegan?"
Raegan: "Yeah"
Miles: "How come your arms around Justin?"
Raegan: "Well, Justin's my boyfriend"
Miles: "Boyfriend?"
Miles: "I thought boys were supposed to have girlfriends?"
Raegan: "Well, I like boys, I like Justin"
Miles: "Oh. Justin?"
Me: "Yeah?"
Miles: "Do you like Raegan"
I smiled and looked at him.
Me: "Yes I do, I like him a lot"
Miles: "So that's makes you guys boyfriends?"
Raegan: "Yeah"
Miles: "Oh, okay"
That's all he said, after that he just walked out of the room like nothing happened.
Me: "That was interesting."
Raegan: "Yeah a little"
After that little conversation we watched whatever the show was that was on. I pull out my phone, scroll through twitter. Then go into snapchat. I hold the camera up quickly taking a picture of me and Raegan.
Then I go to Instagram to post it,
*My babe 💕*
I caption it, then post it.
Raegan: "Your cute"
Me: "I am"
Raegan: "Yeah, very cute"
He says kissing me.
I hang out at Raegan's for a while, he ended up falling asleep on me, I didn't want to wake him, he was so cute in his sleep.
I watched tv for about an hour or so before my phone went off.
*Hey, I'm omw home, are you there? I want to tell you everything*
I guess her date went good.
*Not home right now, but I'll be there in a bit*
I look over at Raegan, sleeping on my lap, I start playing with his hair, he then eventually wakes up.
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "Hey"
He says smiling.
Raegan: "Dang it, I fell asleep"
Me: "It's fine"
Raegan: "What's up?"
Me: "I'm gonna head home, Isabel's date is over and she wants to tell me all about it"
Raegan stands up.
Raegan: "Well if you have to go"
I get up walking over to the door putting my shoes on.
Raegan walks over to me, kissing me, then hugging me. He held on for a while.
Me: "Are you okay?"
Raegan: "I'm fine"
He lets go of the hug, and looks into my eyes.
Raegan: "Justin, I really love you, you know that, like more than anything"
I look at him smiling.
Me: "I love you too"
Then we go back to hugging, me still with a smile on my face.
We finally let go, and I leave.
I start driving home, when I get another text, not from Isabel, but my dad.
*Hey can you come home?*
I was already on my way so I didn't text back, i was only a couple minutes away.
I pull in the drive way, then walk up the driveway, about to open the door, when I hear Isabel yelling.
Isabel: "That's not fair"
I hurry inside to see what's happening.
Isabel, my dad and Lena are all standing in the living room.
Me: "What's going on"
Isabel: "Tell Justin, I bet he'll be thrilled to hear the news"
She says sarcastically, and I think she may be crying.
Me: "What's going on?"

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now