Summer Life

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The next few days, well they didn't consist of much, laying in bed all day watching Netflix.
This morning my dad came into my room before work.
Dad: "Hey, Justin."
Me: "Oh, hey"
Dad: "So what are your plans for today?"
Me: "Your looking at it"
Dad: "Well this has been your day for the last couple days."
Me: "Yep."
Dad: "What happened to Raegan, I haven't seen him in a while. Are you guys not together anymore?"
Me: "Oh no we are.. He and his family are staying in Florida with his grandma for month."
Dad: "Oh, dang, I'm sorry to hear that"
Me: "Yeah"
Dad: "Well have you talked to him at all, since he left."
Me: "Yeah a little, he doesn't get very good reception where he's staying."
Dad: "Oh.. Well. I have to get going, try to do something today, besides lay in bed."
Me: "I can't make any promises."
Dad: "Okay"
My dad walks out of the room, and I go back to watching this movie on Netflix.
A couple hours later, I hear my phone ring.
[Incoming Call: Babe💕]
I quickly answer the call.
Raegan: "Justin?"
Me: "Raegan."
Raegan: "Hey, how are you?"
Me: "I'm, well I'm just, great, yeah"
Raegan: "You don't sound to sure about that"
Me: "Yeah.."
Raegan: "So what have you been up to? Find someone to replace me?"
Me: "Well I haven't been doing much, unless watching Netflix in bed all day is something."
Raegan: "Oh, I see"
Me: "And no one can ever replace you"
Raegan: "Aw, that's sweet, but really you should go meet some new people."
Me: "Are you trying to get me to replace you?"
Raegan: "No I just think while I'm gone, you should find some friends, when I get back there will only be a couple weeks left of summer and then back to school."
Me: "Okay?"
Raegan: "What I'm going to be your only friend in school?"
Me: "I mean I wouldn't mind it"
Raegan: "I mean I wouldn't mind having you all to myself. But you should Meet knew people."
Me: "How exactly do I do that?"
Raegan: "Our school website."
Me: "Our school has a website?"
Raegan: "Yeah, it has events that the student council plans over the summer, they can be pretty fun sometimes."
Me: "No offense but that sounds lame."
Reagan: "Just promise me you'll check it out."
Me: "Fine"
Raegan: "Okay.. Well I have to go to this lunch thing, I'll call you after, or FaceTime, something."
Me: "Oh yeah, okay."
Raegan: "I miss you."
Me: "Yeah I miss you too"
Raegan: "Okay, bye."
Me: "yeah, bye"
Raegan hangs up the phone, and I put my phone down.
I look over to my dresser, where my laptop was, but then I pressed play, going back to watching my show.
*click* *click* *click*
I sat in the living room on my laptop when my dad came through the door.
Dad: "Oh hey,"
Me: "Hey"
Dad: "How was your day"
Me: "It was alright"
Dad: "I see your out of your room."
Me: "Yep"
Dad: "Whatcha doing?"
Me: "I'm trying to find a job"
Dad: "A job? Really?"
Me: "Well I figured, with Raegan gone, I could put the time towards earning money, and I could meet people still, which is what he wants me to do."
Dad: "Be wants you to do? Did you walk to him today."
Me: "Yeah, he told me to get out, meet people, make friends."
Dad: "Well that's a good idea"
Me: "Yeah"
Dad: "So what kind of Job?"
Me: "Well I called the guy that owns the ice cream place down the street, and apparently it worked out perfect and they are low staff"
Dad: "Okay.."
Me: "And he said come in today for a interview."
Dad: "Oh wow, that's great Justin."
Me: "Yeah I should get going, it starts in 15."
Dad: "Okay, well good luck!"
Me: "Thanks"
I shut my laptop, grab my keys and start driving over to the ice cream place. I'm still surprised that I called and got an interview in the same day. I pulled into the ice cream shops parking lot.
I get out of the car and walk inside, I see a girl cleaning windows as soon as I'm inside.
Girl: "Hi, can I get you something."
Me: "Oh no, I'm here for an interview, I'm looking for Reed, Reed Charleston, the owner?"
Girl: "Oh that's me, well I'm not Reed, I'm the one giving you the interview."
Me: "Oh cool"
The girl walks over to me holding out her hand.
Girl: " I'm April"
Me: "I'm Justin."

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