The Knock on the Door

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I look at the door.
April: "Are expecting somebody?"
Me: "Um, no."
April: "Is it your dad?"
Me: "If it was him he'd come right in."
April: "Who is it?"
Me: "I don't know, I can't see though doors."
I get up and walk through the door. Unlocking it and then opening it."
Me: "Oh my gosh!"
Raegan: "Justin!"
Raegan stands there in the door way with his arms open wide.
I jump in his arms.
Me: "Hey.."
Raegan: "Oh my gosh I missed you so much."
Raegan holds me as tight as he could.
Me: "I missed you so much too.
Raegan puts me down, then hugs me.
Me: "Wait what are you doing here? I thought you didn't come back for another week"
Raegan let's go of the hug.
Raegan: "Well our dads talked and your dad said I could stay here until the rest of my family comes back.
I smile and go back to hugging him
Me: "I can't believe your really here."
April: So win guessing this is Raegan?"
Raegan: "I am."
Me: "Raegan, April, April Raegan."
Raegan holds his hand out to April.
Raegan: "Nice to meet you April."
April: "Oh, nice to meet you too"
Reagan looked at me, and smiled.
Raegan: "I'm glad you made a friend."
Me: "Yeah, I did"
April stood there, not saying anything else, She kind of looked jealous, like Raegan being here isn't at all what see wanted.
April: "Well I'm gonna go."
Me: "Yeah, okay"
April: "See you at work?"
Me: "Um, yeah, sure."
April starts walking to her car not saying anything else.
Raegan: "Puts his arm over my shoulder as we both walk inside."
I helped carry the few bags that Raegan had up to my room, and we set the bags in my closet.
Next thing I know Raegan goes back to hugging me. Being in his arms again, it's one of the best feelings in the world.
We both end up on my bed, with our arms rapped around each other, neither of us have said a word for the last couple minutes. 
All I felt was him holding me tight. After a few minutes I lets out the fist word.
Me: "I missed you."
Reagan: "I really missed you too"
Me: "I can't believe your already here"
Raegan:"Well I wanted it to be a surprise."
Raegan's go of me, and sits up.
Me: "It definitely was a surprise, ex specifically on a day like this."
Raegan: "What because it's our anniversary?"
I smiled at him.
Me: "You remember?"
Raegan: "How could I forget the day I started dating my love?"
Me: "Aw"
Raegan: "So, you've been surviving without me?"
Me: "I've tried."
Raegan: "Is that my hoodie on top of your pillow?"
Me: "Oh, um, yeah. It made me feel close to you. You can have it back though."
I went to reach over for it, but Raegan stopped me.
Raegan: "No, keep it. Looks better on you than me."
I smiled at him, again. I load back down, and pulled him close to me, giving him a hug.
Me: "I really do love you, you know that right"
Raegan: "Yeah, I got that. I really love you too."
Me: "I know"
Me and Raegan laid there for a while, after almost a month of not getting to hug or even touch each other. I played with his hair, cause he's got some soft hair.
That's about all we did until my dad got home, I knew he was home when he came up to my room, knocking on my door.
*Knock* *Knock*
Me: "Come in"
Me and Raegan were still cuddling on my bed.
Me: "Dad, hey"
My dad smiled.
Dad: "Got your little surprise"
Me: "I did, you even helped with it?"
Dad: "Most of it was Reagan, I'm just the one giving him a place to stay, which he's always welcome, you know that Raegan."
Raegan: "Thank you sir"
Dad: "You can call me David, you don't have to keep calling me sir"
Raegan: "Okay David, thank you."
Dad: "Yeah, so I'll leave you too, you have a couple weeks of catching up to do I'm guessing."
Me: "Okay, thanks dad."
My dad smiled and walked out of the room.
After my dad left the room, Raegan starts up a conversation.
Raegan: "So this April girl, she's your friend."
Me: "I guess, she's a. It clingy though."
Raegan: "And you met her through work?"
Me: "Yeah, her dad owns the place, she's the only other one that works there."
Raegan: "Oh"
Me: "Yeah, I'm most likely going to quit the job though."
Raegan: "Why?"
Me: "Well the only reason I got the job is because you weren't here, now your here, why do I need it?"
Raegan: "Well isn't a little extra cash good? And anyways, you said that, the girl, April, is the only other one that works there?"
Me: "I mean yeah."
Raegan: "Well you shouldn't just leave her, to work alone."
Me: "Well I'm gonna just leave you here all by yourself?"
Raegan: "Yeah, I'll be fine. Maybe I'll find a job."
Me: "But that means I have to go to work tomorrow."
Raegan: "okay?"
Me: "I rather stay here with you."
Raegan: "Come on, I'll be here as soon as you get home. And we have the rest of the summer to hang out"
Me: "Yeah I suppose your right."
Me and Raegan ended up watching a movie, and I fell asleep pretty fast, but the first one to wake up.
As soon as I got up, I started getting ready for work, the place that Raegan wants me to go.
When I was ready and about to leave, I go over to Raegan, and give him a kiss on the forehead and small hug, when hugged him, I felt him hugging me back.
Me: "Oh sorry, did I wake you?"
Raegan: "Oh no, it's fine. Leaving?"
Me: "Yeah, unless you don't want me too, because I don't have too"
Raegan: "Love you Justin, so you after work."
I stand up and start walking to the door.
Me: "Yeah, love you too."
Raegan giggled and then leaned over to go back to bed. I walked outside getting in my car driving to work.

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