After School/Charlie?

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When we got to my house we all walked inside, my dad was sitting on the couch.
Dad: "Hey guys, so how was the first day?"
Isabel just looked at my dad, then rushed off to her room.
Dad: "Is she okay?"
Me: "Um, she had a rough day."
Dad: "What happened?"
Me: "No idea"
Dad: "Well how was your first day boys?"
Me: "Mine was pretty good"
Raegan: "Yeah, I mean it was alright"
Dad: "Okay. So what are you guys up to know"
Me: "Well I'm going to shower than we'll probably just watch a movie or something"
Dad: "Okay, well I'll be here, if you need anything"
Me: "Okay dad"
Me and Raegan walked up to the room.
I put my stuff down, grabbed some clothes, then hopped in the shower. When I was done I got dressed, then went back to my room. Raegan sat up against my bed with some books out. I grabbed a hoodie from my closet, throwing it on. Then I grabbed my backpack and sat down on my bed pulling some books out.
Neither of us said something to each other. But it wasn't awkward.
After about 15 minutes, Isabel comes in with a text book and a notebook.
Isabel: "oh great you guys are doing homework to."
Me: "Mhm"
Reagan: "Why? What's up?"
Isabel: "Okay so I have Mrs. Cross, for World Culture, do u guys have her?"
She looked at me.
Me: "I don't, no"
Then she looked at Raegan.
Raegan: "Well you only take that class in 10th grade, so I had her last year, let me be honest, she's a tough teacher"
Isabel: "Wow, thanks. Anyways she wants us to do this project on this Guy,   Macrobius? But I can't find anything about him."
Raegan: "Oh yeah, I remember that assignment."
Isabel: "So you'll help me"
Raegan: "Nope."
I giggled, as I started putting my books away because i had finished my homework, it wasn't much.
Isabel: "Why?!"
Raegan: "It took me like 3 days to even fill up a page about that guy, I can't just give the information away."
Isabel: "Ugg your no use"
She says as she stomps out of the room.
Raegan: "Hurtful"
I go up to him, rapping my arms around his neck.
Me: "I don't think your useless, you almost done?"
Raegan: "Almost, this wasn't how I planned to spend my night"
I watched Raegan as he finished the last of his homework, it felt like forever.
When he was done he started packing up his school stuff when Isabel came in the room saying it was time for dinner.
All three of us went down there and ate, then my dad and Lena made us three all help clean up dinner.
After all of that me and Raegan head back to my room.
I laid down on my bed, turning on the tv putting on some movie.
Without question Raegan came and laid down right next to me, rapping his arms around my waist.
We both sat there watching the movie for a while.
Me: "So you gonna spend the night?"
I say.
Raegan: "What time is it?"
I look at my phone.
Me: "10:27"
Raegan: "Well I mean I'm already here"
Me: "I'll take that as a yes"
Raegan: "Mhm"
He's says mumbling as he hugs me tighter. We went back to watching the movie, but we both feel asleep pretty fast.
The next morning I wake up from being hit with pillows.
I open my eyes, Raegan laying on my chest, I look ahead to find Isabel standing in front of me.
Isabel: "Look who decided to wake up"
Me: "What do you want?"
Isabel: "Would you like to be late for school?"
Me: "Oh, yeah, school."
Isabel: "Mhm, are you going to wake him up."
Just then Raegan sits up.
Raegan: "Yeah... I'm all ready up"
Isabel: "Alright, well I'm gonna go finish getting ready"
Me: "Okay, Thank you"
Isabel: "That's what I'm here for"
She says waking out of the room.
Raegan got up walking over to my dresser, since he's over all the time, he tends to leave things here. The bottom dresser is where I put all the clothes he leaves here, after I wash them of course.
He grabs some jeans, a shirt and a hoodie than heads to the bathroom, I do the same except I change in my room. Afterwards we grab our stuff to meet Isabel in the car.
Me: "Why are you in the drivers seat?"
Isabel: "I'm gonna drive!"
Raegan just stood looking at me, with a bit of a scared look.
Me: "Yeah... No"
Isabel: "But I have my temps, well I did in the other state I live in"
Me: "Not the best idea"
Isabel gets out of the car, moving to the back.
Isabel: "You guys are no fun"
Me: "Yeah, yeah"
I get in the front seat, Raegan getting in the passenger seat.
The ride to school went by pretty quick, Isabel wondered off once we got in the building. Me and Raegan walked to my locker, and his, surprisingly they were pretty close.
I got my books that I needed for the morning.
Raegan: "Oh god"
Raegan says quietly.
Me: "What?"
Raegan's looking behind me, so I turn around.
Me: "Oh god"
I then say quietly.
Charlie, and about three of his friends were waking out way, and let me tell you, they didn't look so happy.
I looked at them, they were all really buff. I mean they're all on the football team, of course they are.
I slowly turn around looking back at Raegan.
Me: "Do you think he's coming towards us?"
Raegan: "I'm mean, yeah, now he's looking at me."
I turn back around. He just looks at me and grins. Then he starts shaking his head.
I start to get nervous.
Raegan: "What did you do again?"
Me: "Nothing, I just called him stupid, and people laughed, I thought it would blow over"
Charlie reaches my locker, about to say something when some girls come up to me.
Girl 1: "Hey your Justin right? Justin Blake?!"
All the guys look at them, I look at Raegan, then at the girls.
Me: "Um yeah, I am, what's up?"
Girl 2: "Oh my gosh, I told you it was him, he just looked so familiar"
Girl 1: "Can we get a picture, please?"
I look at Raegan, he moods his head slowly.
Me: "Um, sure"
One of the girls take out their phone, and I get in the picture.
Girl 2: "Oh my gosh, were forgetting something."
Charlie starts to smile.
Charlie: "You mean m-"
Girl 2: "Raegan, get in"
Raegan gets in and the girl snaps the picture.
Girl 1: "Thank you! See you guys around!"
Me: "Yeah, sure"
After that they both walk off.
Charlie: "What the hell was that?"

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