Qualitly Time

631 27 3

It's been two days since I quit my job, and let me tell you, April has texted me more in the last two days than I'be been texted in the last month.
Right now me and Raegan are on the way to his house so he can get some new clothes, he had a spare key.
We walk up the house and he unlocks it, going inside.
Me: "How much stuff do you need"
Raegan: "I just wanted to grab a few shirts and like two pairs of pants."
Me: "Okay."
Raegan grabs all the clothing he needs and puts them into a bag.
Raegan: "Okay I think I got everything"
Me: "Okay."
We walk back out to the car, and I start driving home.
Me: "Can I ask you something"
Raegan: "Um, sure?"
Me: "The night we met, in your little group of friends, you said there was supportive people at school."
Raegan: "Okay?"
Me: "You know of you being trans and stuff, you said they're supportive of it"
Raegan: "Where are you going with this?"
Me: "Well you said that you and like Kale have people that support you guys for being who you are, but how come when I was here for a month, no one wanted to be friends with me."
Raegan: "Well, by people I mean our very small friend group, not a lot of people at school know."
Me: "Oh, well that answers my question."
Raegan: "You just have to have the right group of friends"
Me: I'm guess that's not easy to find"
Raegan: "Well I mean your going to have me."
I smiled, as we pulled Into the drive way.
Me: "Yeah, I know"
Me and Raegan get out of the car, Raegan grabbing his stuff. We walk inside, as soon as we do so, my dad says my name.
Dad: "Justin."
I walk in and there is a woman, and a girl that looks about my age sitting on the couch.
Raegan stands right next to me, then looks at me.
Me: "Hey dad, what's up."
Dad: "You remember Lena, right?"
Me: "Um, yeah?"
Dad: "We used to work together?"
Me: "Oh, yeah, I remember."
Dad: "Do you remember her daughter, Isabel?"
Me: "Um, no"
Dad: "Okay well this is Isabel."
Me: "Oh hi."
Isabel: "Hi, nice to meet you"
She says from the couch.
Me: "Yeah."
Dad: "And guys this is Justin's boyfriend Raegan, he's also staying with us until his family gets back from Florida."
I took a minute to process what he said, "also staying with us?", interesting"
Me: "What do you mean also?"
Dad: "Well Lena also got a job offer here, so they moved here, just like we did, but they haven't found a place to stay yet, so until then they are going to stay with us."
Me: "Oh, um okay, I guess."
My dad looked back at me, then I looked at Raegan, then back to my dad. Everyone kind of looked at everyone for a quick moment.
Me: "Well if you need us we'll be upstairs."
Raegan first, we both start walking out of the room.
Dad: "Justin, how about you take Isabell with you, get to know her"
Me: "Oh, um.."
I look at my dad, he lips the word, please, so it's not really like I had a choice.
Me: "Sure I guess"
Isabel gets up and follows me and Raegan up to my bedroom.
Raegan take the stuff out of the bag, putting his clothes in my dresser, at this pint he had space in my room to put his stuff.
Me and Raegan sit on my bed, and Isabel stands by the door.
Me: "You can sit, if you want."
Isabel: "You don't have to do that."
Me: "Do what?"
Isabel: "Be nice to me, I bet your not fond of the idea of a random girl coming to live with you."
Me: "I mean it was a bit of a surprise"
Isabel: "And you don't really have to hang out with me, and can just go sit in the guest room."
I shook my shoulders and went on my phone, Raegan gently hit me.
Raegan: "Its fine, Justin here needs to make another friend."
I gently hit him back.
Me: "I have tons of friends."
Raegan looks at me.
Me: "Okay I don't have that many friends."
Isabel: "Then were kind of in the same boat."
Me: "Yeah, I guess."
Raegan scoots over.
Raegan: "Here come sit"
Isabel walks over to us and sits on the edge of the bed.
Isabel: "So you two are a thing."
Me: "Like boyfriends? Yeah we are"
Isabel: "Yeah sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out that way."
Me: "Nope, it's all good."
All three of us just sat there in silence.
Isabel: "Excuse me, I have to use the bathroom."
Isabel walks out of the room, shutting the door.
Raegan waits a few seconds before slapping my on the leg.
Me: "Ow! What was that for?"
Raegan: "You could try to be nice to the girl."
Me: "What are you talking about, I am being nice."
Raegan: "Yeah and a little snotty."
Me: "Well I never asked for some girl and her mom to stay with us."
Raegan: "I bet your dad didn't want his sons boyfriend to become a live in boyfriend for a week."
Me:" Thats different, you asked him about it."
We both could hear the toilet flush.
Raegan: "Just try to be nice."
Me: "Yes mother"
Raegan giggled, and Isabel entered the room.
Isabel: "I'm back"
Me: "Cool."
Raegan looks at me, than back at her.
Raegan: "Just here was just about to go get us a snack."
Me: "I was?"
Raegan: "You were"
Raegan pushed me off the bed. I walk behind Isabel giving him a face, then started to walk to the kitchen, I guess to get us a snack.

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now