Whos April?

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April: "Justin, okay. Well you can come follow me.
I follow April, she grabs a pen and paper from behind the counter and then sits down in one of the booths, I sit across from her.
April: "Alright so Justin, have a last name?"
Me: "Blake"
April: "Alright. Can-
April started asking all the regular questions you'd be asked in an interview, then one question hit.
April: "So your 17, do you have a drivers license?"
Me: "Oh,um, yeah"
April: "May I see it, for ID"
I felt a tenderness fill my stomach, I had my name legally change, everything like that, but my drivers license hasn't been updated, it still has my picture before my transition on it, and my old name.
Me:" is that really necessary?"
April: "Yeah it is"
I reach into my pocket, grabbing my wallet, pulling out my drivers license, then handing it to her.
April: "Um, I not your drivers license, who's-"
Me: "It's me, um I'm transgender, I didn't get it updated yet."
April: "Oh, well alright, that's cool I guess"
Me: "Yeah."
April: "Okay well everything seems good, you've got the job!"
Me: "Oh wow really?"
April: "Yeah, we're really low staff, so welcome aboard. Follow me I'll show you some of the ropes, get you an apron, and get you started."
Me: "Okay, yes ma'am"
I follow April around the counter, her handing me and apron, and she starts teaching me how to use the ice cream makers, register, etc.
Dad: "Hey, how'd it go."
My dad said to me as soon as I walked through the door.
Me: "Um, I got the job, I start first thing tomorrow morning."
Dad: "That's great, wow, I've never heard of someone getting a job in one day.
Me: "Yeah, I guess I'm lucky"
Dad: "Hey, wanna go get something to eat, we haven't been out in a while."
Me: "Yeah sure, can I call Raegan first? I told him I would"
Dad: "Yeah, just let me know when your ready."
I walk to my room, grabbing my laptop. I FaceTime Raegan, he picks up pretty quick.
Raegan: "Well hello there"
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "So check out the website"
Me: "No, I did something better."
Raegan: "Like what?"
Me: " I got a job"
Raegan: "No way, really?"
Me: "Yeah you know that I cream down the street from my house, there"
Raegan: "Oh my gosh, Justin, I'm so happy for you."
Me: "Yeah, there's this other girl that works there, so I guess I made a friend."
Raegan: "That's great"
Me: "Well what have you been up to, how was your lunch thing?"
Raegan: "eh, kind of boring. My days always kind of boring"
Me: "Oh, well I'm sorry."
Raegan: "Yeah, well only about three more weeks, till I come home."
Me: "Yeah! That's all we have to do, focus on the day you come home."
Raegan: "I miss your hugs. And your kisses"
Me: "I miss being with you"
Raegan: "Maybe we should stop, before one of us starts crying"
Me: "Yeah, me and my dad are going to go get something to eat, so I'll text you?"
Raegan: "Yeah, do that. And have fun at your job."
Me: "Okay, bye"
Raegan: "bye."
I closed my laptop went out to the living room. Then me and my dad went out to get lunch, when we got back, I decided to get a decent sleep before I started work the next day, I was kind of excited.
After waking up, getting ready, i started my car heading to down the street where my new job was. When I got there, only one other car was in the parking lot, and I saw April in the window, so I'm guessing it was hers.
I walked through the doors putting my apron on.
Me: "Hey morning"
April: "Oh Justin hey. You ready?"
Me: "Um yeah I guess"
April: "Okay well, I need your help back here."
I walk behind the ice cream bar, where there's a long table type counter, there's a bunch of these waffle iron looking things.
Me: "What do you need help with."
April: "Making cones"
Me: "Oh, you don't get them from a box?"
April laughed
April: "No, we make them fresh."
Me: "Oh, well I'm not sure, I know how to do that"
April: "Here I'll teach you."
April started going over everything, how to make them, how long to cook them for, how to make it into a cone shape with this weird medal thing. While we both made more we started to have a conversation.
April: "So what school do you go to?"
Me: "Oh, um, West Worth High"
April: "Really? Me too!"
Me: "Cool."
April: "How come I haven't seen you around?"
Me: "Oh I was only there for a month before school let out."
April: "So where were you before?"
Me: "I lived in Minnesota."
April: "Oh that's cool."
Me: "Yeah"
Me and April talked for a good hour we got to know each other, or at least until a customer came in.
April: "I got it"
April walked over to the counter.
April: "Hey sir, what can I get you?"
April took the mans order, and get him his ice cream, then he man walks out of the store.
Me: "Hey maybe next time I can get them the ice cream."
April: "Yeah sure, make one now"
Me: "Now?"
April: "To make sure you can do it."
Me: "Okay."
I walked over to the ice cream machine and filled up the cone, and lets say I filled it up more than enough.
I hold out the cone to April,
Me: "See I did it"
Just then the cone broke and the ice cream started to fall, but then April came closer and grabbed the ice cream that fell.
We both started laughing, but then the laughter faded away. April was standing really close to be, maybe a couple inches of space in between us, she looked me in the eyes and-

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