The Fight

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Isabel: "Why, I'll be careful."
Lena: "I know you will, but that's not the reason."
Isabel: "Then what's the reason?"
Lena: "Just get out of the tree"
Isabel: "Its because of them"
Lena looked at Isabel, she didn't even deny what she just said.
Lena: "it's time to come down"
I look at Raegan, at the same time Raegan looks at me.
I whisper to Isabel,
Me: "I know your mom doesn't like me, or Raegan"
Isabel: "I'm so sorry"
Lena: "Isabel!"
Isabel: "No, I'm staying up here. If you don't need me for anything, then there's no point of me getting down."
Me and Raegan both look down at Lena, boy did she look angry.
Isabel: "I know you may not like Justin for the dumb reason it is, but I do, and it's not your choice who I hang out, especially when you make me live with the person."
Lena had this face, you know I can't explain it. It was a combination of anger, embarrassment, and the "yeah I just did tell you off" kind of thing.
I smiled and looks at Raegan, him, he was smiling too.
Isabel showed no emotion, she just started at her mom waiting for her to say another word.
Lena: "Well, I'm going to help David finish up dinner.."
She said in a quiet tone, and before long she was inside.
Me: "Oh, my, goodness. Isabel no one told me you were a bad ass."
Raegan: "Seriously."
Isabel: "I just want to be my own person, not having my mom make all my life choices, I think she forgets I'm a teenager."
Me: "Well what you did there, that was just, awesome."
Isabel: "I'm surprised she reacted the way she did, I thought she was going to go off on me."
Raegan: "She seemed scared of you."
Isabel: "You think?"
Just then my dad came outside.
Raegan: "You kids wanna come get dinner?"
Me: "Yeah we'll be there in sec"
My dad goes back in the house.
Me: "This will be interesting."
Isabel: "Yes, yes it will be"
All three of us get down from the tree walking inside.
Raegan: "Do you think she's going to say anything to you?"
Isabel: "I don't know, I hope not."
I open the door and all three of us walk inside the house.
My dad had the table set, and dinner done.
Lena sits down. All three of us try to avoid sitting next to her.
We start eating dinner, it was silent for he first five minutes, no one spoke, until my dad decided to get the conversation rolling.
Dad: "So how was everyone's day?"
No one said anything.
Dad: "So I hear your family coming back tomorrow."
Raegan: "Yeah."
I look at Lena, she has a bit of a smirk to her face, I think she was happy to hear that, Raegan's family is coming back tomorrow.
Me: "Not like that will really change anything."
Dad: "True, I guess."
Lena looks up, that smirk on her face vanished. I look up at Isabel, she gave me that look, I'm having a feeling she was thinking the same thing as me.
Isabel: "Which isn't a problem, right mom?"
Me: "Yeah no problem, right?"
Dad: "Justin."
Me: "Dad."
Isabel: "Mom?"
Raegan: "Raegan"
I look at Raegan, so does Isabel, we laugh.
But then we went back to being serious.
Isabel: "You don't have anything to say mom?"
Lena: "Okay listen, Justin, Raegan, I never knew Justin was gay, or had a boyfriend. I believe in god deeply, and I don't believe gay love, and I'm trying to get it, accept it, especially since I'm dating your father, and"
Dad: "Lena!"
After that was said, my attention shot up, and so did Isabel's.
Me: "Dad?"
Dad: "We were waiting to tell you guys, for the right time."
Me: "Well this is great timing isn't it"
I get up walking towards the door, when Isabel makes her statement, the only difference is she was crying.
Isabel: "How could you move on so fast, it hasn't even been a year. It's like him dying meant nothing."
Then Isabel gets up walking with me towards the door, and before long we were outside.
Isabel started walking off somewhere, was gone in a blink of an eye.
(Raegan's POV)
David: "Oh, um, Raegan, I'm sorry you had to hear all of that."
Me: "Maybe I'll just go with them, cheer them up.
I get up going to find Justin and Isabel.
David: "Yeah."
(Justin's POV)
I hear Raegan coming outside.
At this point I'm sitting on the grass my arms crossed over my knees, and I don't know what to think.
I hear Raegan walk over to me, sitting down right in front of me. He rubs my back.
Raegan: "Justin"
Still looking down, with my arms crossed and a bit of a sniffle, I reply.
Me: "What...?"
Raegan: "Are you okay?"
I look up at Raegan, with tears in my face.
Me: "Okay I was hard my parents separating, having to be in a different house than my brother. Then moving to a new state. But know for him to date someone, someone who doesn't accept who I am, or one of the people I love the most."
I look at Raegan in the eyes, small tears come to his eyes me
Me: "I just, and for Isabel, forced to move in with us, then the people she lives with, her mom has a problem with, it's all so messed up."
I start letting out more tears, and hug Raegan."
Raegan: "Hey, hey."
Raegan holds me, both of us sitting on the ground.
Raegan: "Everything's going to be okay, I know it seems like a bad place right now, but everything is going to be okay, I promise you."
Me: "I don't want you to leave tomorrow."
I look up at Raegan.
Raegan: "Don't worry, I'll still be over all the time."
Me: "Even if there's a woman, that doesn't like you."
Raegan: "If you can deal with her, I can too"
I wipe away my tears and stand up, Raegan stands up too, giving me a hug.
Me: "Thank you Raegan, I really do love you."
Raegan: "I love you too. Where did Isabel go?"
Me: "Oh, she's um, up the tree"
Raegan walks over to the tree.
Raegan: "Isabel? You can come down"
Isabel: "Where's my mom?"
Raegan: "Still inside"
Isabel: "Okay"
Isabel comes down from the tree, she's crying too. I walk over to her and give her a hug.
Me: "Well be all right"
Isabel: "What if were not?"
Raegan: "You will be, okay guys, you just have to get through the hard part.
Raegan walks over to us, and hugs us both.
Raegan: "Now I have to get my stuff all together for when my dad gets home."
Me: "Yeah, I'll help."
Raegan: "You wanna come?"
Isabel: "Me?"
Raegan: "Yeah."
She looks at me.
Me: "Were both going through the same thing, you don't have to be stuck with your mom."
Isabel: "Okay, thanks"
All three of us walking inside, the first person we see, Lena.
Lena: "Isabel."
She ignored her mom and continues walking to my room with us.

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