The Boy

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Me: "Oh hey, I'm Justin"
Raegan: "Cool, yeah I've seen you around school."
Me: "You have?"
Raegan: "Yeah, you were a new kid"
Me: "Yup, that's me, the new kid.."
I thought to myself just for a second... I've never seen him around, I mean I didn't give my best effort to be social, but him being Kales friend. Anyways, it was silent for about 30 seconds before Kale began talking.
Kale: " Alright, so we can go down stairs to hang out, Jay just follow me."
I follow Kale and Raegan down the stairs to the basement, also thinking about Kale calling me Jay, never heard anyone call me that.
Everyone took a seat on the couch.
Raegan: " So um. Justin, tell me about yourself. Where were you before here?"
Me: " Oh, um, I lived in Minnesota, but my dad got a job offering, so we had to move here."
Raegan: Well have you made any friends yet?"
Just then, the door bell rang. Kale went to go answer it.
Me: "Well Kale, and now you. I don't really know any people yet, or anyone that wants to be friends with a gay transgender boy."
It was then, a smile came to Reagan's face.
Raegan: "Wait, your trans? Me too"
Me: "Really? I didn't even tho"
Raegan: "Yeah, accept in not gay, I like girls."
Me: "Oh"
Just then Kale entered the room with his buddy.
Raegan: "Hey Kale, did you know Justin was trans too?"
Kale: "Really? I never knew."
Me: "Wait, your trans too?"
Kale: "Yup, I guess that's how easy it is for all of us to be friends, we accept each other."
Me: "Well it's nice to have supportive people."
Raegan: "Yeah there's lots of supportive people at our school."
Me: "Good to know"
Raegan: " You seem pretty cool Justin"
Me: "Well you do too"
Raegan: "Hey, what's your number, in case you want to hang out this summer or something."
I looked at Raegan, he did seem really nice, not to mention he's really cute, but that part didn't matter since he's straight. I tell him my number, then he tells me his.
Couple of hours past, and we really get to know each other, he tells me about how he wants to sing when he grows up. I tell him more about my family, how my brother Danny's, how he had to stay with our mom back in Minnesota. Along the way I realized Kale didn't invite that many friends, it was just us four, Me, Raegan, Kale, and Kales other friend, who I didn't really talk to.
It got late, 10 turned into 11. 11 turned into 12.
Me: "I though I better get going know, it's pretty late."
Kale: "You could just crash here. I mean Raegan is"
Me: "Well I don't want to be an extra"
Raegan: "No really you should stay, it could be fun"
Me: "Well I guess"
I shoot my dad a text, he said it was fine and to just come home some time tomorrow.
Me and Raegan went back to talking about random stuff, along with laughing along the way. By the very end of the night we became best friends.
After a while Kale fell asleep, and his other friend ended up going home. And it was just me and Raegan.
Wasn't really before long that before Raegan fell asleep. I know I'm weird, because I watched him sleep for about 5 minutes, he's even cuter when he sleeps. I ended up falling asleep right next to him on the couch.
I wake up, and I find myself to be laying right on Raegan, I don't really know what to do. Is he awake? Is he sleeping? I open my eyes, staring at the wall, I don't move, and then I hear Kales voice.
Kale: "Rae, is he sleeping?"
Raegan: " I I think so."
Kale: "You can like move him if you don't like that."
Raegan: Well you know it's fine, he looks so peaceful, I don't want to wake him"
Kale: "Aw, how sleep, well I'm going to find something to eat."
Raegan: "Okay, you have fun with that"
After Kale had gone upstairs. There was no talking, just me laying on Reagan, him being fine with it. He then sets his hand on my back, I didn't know why. Did he have no where else to put his hand? It was at this time I decided to "wake" up.
I lifted my head up and he took his hand off my back.
Me: "Hey sorry, I didn't mean to, like sleep on you."
Raegan: "Its all good, I didn't mind"
He didn't mind? So he liked it? Or was that just him being nice? Is he really straight? Then I realized I got in over my head. He's probably just being really nice, I mean he just met me.
After we all ate i was getting my things ready to get going, I picked up my jacket that was on the floor and Raegan came over and asked what my plans were for the day.
Me: "I was just going to go home, watch some movies."
Raegan: "oh, cool"
Me: "Do u wanna come? Over I mean, and watch some movies with me?"
Raegan: "Sure, I don't really have anything better to do."
Raegan got al of his things together, and we said our good byes to Kale. Then both walked over and got into the car. And I began driving to my house.

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now