The Weekend

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Raegan: "So does that mean you are? Be that type of brother I mean?"
Me: "I mean, I guess"
Raegan: "Alright. So they're going on a date?"
Me: "Yeah sometime this weekend, I guess"
Raegan: "Oh cool"
We finished eating lunch, then headed to our next class. The rest of the day just went on like any other school day.
Sitting in my last class, I finally hear the school bell go off, and I could go home. When me and Isabel walked in we heard my dad and Lena talking, we walked into the kitchen seeing them both sitting at the kitchen table, when we entered, they stopped talking.
Me: "Hey guys?...."
Dad: "Hey, how was your guys day?"
Isabel: "Good, what's going on?"
Lena: "What do you mean?"
Isabel: "Well you guys stopped talking when we came in"
Dad: "Oh just, um, going over bill stuff"
Me: "Whatever you say"
Isabel: "Well anyways, I got asked on a date"
Lena: "Really? That's great! When?"
Isabel: "Um, tomorrow, we're going to see a movie"
Dad: "That's great to hear. What about you Justin? Anything exciting?"
Me: "Um, they had meatballs again in the cafeteria"
Dad: "Oh, that's um, great too"
Me: "Yeah"
I say quietly walking off to my room. I grab some clothes from my closet, then hit the shower.
After that I lay down, turning on some Netflix, after a while I shoot Raegan a next.
*Hey Rae*
Raegan: *Rae?*
Me: *Sorry should I not call you that?*
Raegan: *Its fine, I think it's cute*
Me: *Okay*
Raegan: *So what's up?*
Me: *Im bored*
Raegan: *Me too, my dad dragged me to my aunts for this dinner*
Me: *You should ditch and come over*
Raegan: *Yeah, not sure I can do that.*
Me: *Why 😩*
Raegan: *its the only time my uncles in town so I guess it's "mandatory"*
Me: *That sucks*
Raegan: *I know. But anyways, wyd?*
Me: *Watching some show*
Raegan: *Well that's cool*
Me: *Yeah, not really*
Me and Raegan texted pretty much the whole night, until we both fell asleep, eh oh I guess I was the first one to fall asleep because I woke up with a couple texts from him.
*Hello? Babe*
*You feel asleep on me*
*Well I love you, goodnight, text you tomorrow*
I liked waking up to things like that. I looked at the time, it was already noon. When I looked back at the text messages, we were texting til about 2, so I guess that's why I slept so late.
I walked out of my room, when I see Isabel in hers throwing clothes on the floor.
Me: "What's the deal with you?"
Isabel: "I have nothing to wear, and Mikey's going to be here in an hour to pick me up"
Me: "You have a closet full of clothes"
She stopped turning to me, giving me that face.
Isabel: "Justin. I have nothing, to wear."
Me: "Then don't go"
Isabel: "Come on, I just can't not go"
Me: "Then find something to wear"
Isabel: "Uggg, your no help"
I walk down the hall, into the living room where my Dad and Lena again were talking, but went silence.
Me: "How come you guys keep doing that?"
Dad: "Doing what?"
Me: "Never mind"
I say walking out of the living room walking back to my room. I turned on the same show I was watching earlier, not like I had anything better to do. I watch that for a while, before I hear the door bell ring.
Isabel: "Justin can you get that?"
She yells from the bathroom.
Me: "Yep"
I gel back walking to the living room, opening the front door.
There stood a average height, blonde hair, brown eyed boy.
I crossed my arms looking at him.
Me: "You must be Mikey!"
Mikey: "Um yeah, I'm here for Isabel"
Me: "Mhm, she'll be a sec"
Mikey: "Okay, can I um ask who you are?"
Me: "Me, Justin"
Mikey: "Blake?"
Me: "Mhm"
Mikey: "That's right, I heard the buzz about you at school, your pretty popular on the music app"
Me: "Mhm"
Mikey: "So Isabel, she's your?.."
Me: "Sister"
Mikey: "Oh"
Me: "So what are your intentions?"
Mikey: "My what?"
Me: "Intentions, with Isabel?"
Mikey: "Just a movie, a second date even?"
Isabel: "Hey Mikey"
She says walking up from behind me.
Isabel: "I've seen you met Justin"
Mikey: "Yeah, I have"
Me: "So where are you guys off too?"
Still with my arms crossed.
Isabel giggled.
Isabel: "Justin you can stop now"
Me: "I'm just making sure this is the right guy"
Mikey: "Don't worry man, she'll be fine"
Me: "Mhm"
Isabel: "Goodbye Justin"
Me: "Now you kids don't stay out too late"
Isabel just shook her head as her and Mikey walked to his car. I shut the door walking back to my room.
I grab my phone off my bed, Raegan texted me.
I text him back.
Raegan: *What are you doing right now?*
Me: *Literally nothing*
Raegan: *Well I'm watch my two cousins, and I'm bored, wanna come over?*
Me: *Um sure, your house?*
Raegan: *Yeah*
Me: *Okay, I'll be over in a bit*
I put some shoes on, grab my keys and walk out of my room.
As I was about to open the door my dad walked in.
Dad: "Hey Justin"
Me: "Dad, hey"
Dad: "Your going out?"
Me: "Yeah, I'm gonna go hang out at Raegan's for a bit"
Dad: "Okay"
Me: "That's fine right?"
Dad: "Yeah, go"
Me: "Okay, um, bye."
I walked outside, getting in the car, and I start driving over to Raegan's house.
I pull in his driveway, walk up the driveway walking in his house.
I get in and close the door, next thing I know I'm hit with something, I turn around, and there stood a boy, 7 maybe, with a play gun. I was hit by a nerf bullet.
Me: "Oh yeah"
Boy: "Who are you!"
Me: "I'm Justin"
Boy: "Stranger danger!"
Me: "No, I'm not a stranger-"
It was then he shot bullets at me repeatedly.
Me: "Hey, no, see I'm"
Raegan: "Miles, hey"
Raegan says walking into the living room talking the gun from his hand.
Miles: "It's a stranger"
Raegan: "No it's not, I know him"
Miles: "Oh"
Then the little boy turns back at me.
Miles: "Uh, sorry..."
Me: "It's okay"
Raegan: "Are you okay"
Raegan says with a smile.
Me: "Yeah, maybe next time I'll just knock"

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