School Bully

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The expression on Charlie's face was the best, I wanted to start laughing right there in the moment, but I didn't, I couldn't risk it.
Raegan came right next to me putting his arm over my shoulder.
Raegan: "You even have fans here, huh Justin"
I giggled, going along with it.
Me: "Guess so"
Charlie: "Wait, fans? Who were they? What?"
Raegan: "Got a fake fan right here"
Me: "Guess so"
Raegan: "Well we should get to class, huh babe?"
Me: "Yes, we certainly should"
Me and Raegan started walking down the hall, as we left Charlie was so confused, he obviously haven't heard of me.
When we turn the corner, me and Raegan bursts into laughing.
Me: "Did you see his face"
Raegan: "He had no idea"
Me: "He didn't even do anything to me"
Raegan: "Well he might be to scared to, you obviously have girls coming up to you, which doesn't matter since you have me, but that will just make him jealous."
Me: "Well it saved me from a potential ass whooping, so I'm fine with it"
Raegan: "True, this is going to be a fun year."
Me: "Yes, yes it will"
I say as we both walk to our class.
The morning goes pretty well, I couple more people said hey, recognizing me.
I met up with Raegan after our morning classes to go to lunch.
Raegan: "Second day back and I already have a paper to work on."
Me: "Ugg, I know my Biology teachers already talking about a group project-"
Raegan: "Is that Isabel?"
Me: "Huh?"
Raegan: "Look, over there"
I look to where Raegan was point, these 3 girls standing around Isabel. They were the girls you see hanging around the football jocks. They were laughing, and Isabel, well she wasn't laughing with them, it look like she was crying.
Me: "Well come on"
I walk over there coming up behind them.
Me: "Um, hi?"
The two girls turned around, and their faces lit up.
Girl 1: "Oh my gosh, Jamie, Sarah, tell me that's not who I think it is"
Jamie: "Bri, it is"
Bri: "Your Justin Blake"
Me: "Mhm"
Jamie: "Oh my gosh, hey we should date!"
I look at her like she's crazy.
Raegan: "Hi, boyfriend here"
Sarah: "Guys, he's gay, remember?"
Bri: "Right"
Jamie: "Anyways, can we have a picture?"
Me: "Hmm, no"
Jamie: "Why not"
Me: "Are you okay?"
I say looking at Isabel.
Before she could say anything one of the girls opens up her mouth.
Jamie: "Her, just some nobody, don't mind her"
Raegan came closer and I could tel he was about to open his mouth, but I held my arm up stoping him.
Jamie looked at Isabel:
Jamie: "Scram now"
Then looked back at me.
Me: "No Isabel wait"
The girls looked at her, then back at me.
Bri: "How do you even know that girls name?"
Me: "Because that girl happens to be my sister"
That's all I said, then I grabbed Isabel's handing and started walking to the cafeteria, Raegan following behind.
As we walk away I hear one of the girls say one last thing.
Jamie: "Does this mean I can't get your number"
How dumb were they? I didn't even answer back.
We kept walking until we turned the corner.
Me: "What happened?"
Before she could say anything Isabel hugged me, I hugged her back.
Raegan: "What did they say?"
Isabel: "What all popular high school girls say to people who 'aren't on their level'
you're ugly, you're fat, list goes on"
I let go of the hug, then looking her in the eyes, don't listen to what some girls have to say, okay? You are beautiful, don't forget that."
Isabel: "Thanks Justin"
She said hugging me again, then I put my arm around he shoulder, then Raegan went next to her, putting his arm around her shoulder too"
And we started walking.
Me: "Lunch?"
Isabel: "Yeah, really though, thank you guys, it's like I have two older brothers"
Raegan: "That's what were here for right?"
Isabel: "The day you guys walked through that door, the first day I came to stay with you, I never thought we'd be come close"
Me: "Well I'm glad we are"
Raegan: "Me too!"
When we got our food all three of us sat down at a table. Isabel told us more about what the girls said, I'm surprised people are this rude, but I'm mean this high school right?
Me: "Seriously, just forget about them"
Isabel: "I know"
Raegan: "Justin.."
Me: "Huh?
Raegan: "Charlie's coming back"
Me: "Okay, just be cool"
Isabel: "Who is he?"
Me: "Tell you later"
Charlie came over and sat down at our table, along with two of his friends.
Charlie: "What's up guys?"
Me, Raegan, and even Isabel all looked at each other, confused.
Me: "Um, hi?"
Charlie: "Did you guys see the football last night? It was good."
Raegan: "I'm sorry, what are you doing here?"
Charlie: "What do you mean?"
Me: "Didn't you want to beat me up this morning"
Charlie: "Okay maybe, but then I figure hey we can all just be friends, right!"
Me: "Sorry, I already have friends"
Charlie: "You could always have more though"
Me: "Nope, I'm good"
Charlie: "Listen, I hear your good with the girls, if we could just hang out?"
Me: "Oh yeah, sure let me think about it!"
Charlie: "Really?!"
Me: "No, bye now"
Charlie just shook his head, waking to the exit of the cafeteria, before shouting.
Charlie: "Yeah Justin, catch up with you later."
Like we were friends or something.
Isabel: "What was that all about?"
Me: "honestly, I have no idea."
Raegan: "He figured out Justin has some fame, now he wants to be friends"
Isabel: "Oh, so your friends now?"
Me: "Nope, and I don't plan on it"
It was just then I get a text from my dad.
*Hey I need you and April home right after school today, we need to talk to you guys about something*
I stare at the text, confused.
Raegan: "What's up?"
Me: "Nothing, um my dad and Lena need me and Isabel home right after school today."
Isabel: "Why?"
Me: "Didn't say, they just need to talk to us about something."
Isabel: "You think we're in trouble"
Me: "What have we done that would get us in trouble"
Isabel: "I don't know, what did you do?"
Me: "I didn't do anything"
Isabel: "Mhm"
Me: "Whatever"
It was then the bell rang. We all got up throwing away our trash, then heading to our afternoon classes.
The afternoon seemed to go by so slow, if felt like days, but finally the final bell rang and school was over.
I met up with Isabel and Raegan at my locker.
Me: "Ready?"
Isabel: "Yeah"
Me: "So ill text you later?"
Raegan: "Yeah"
Raegan says kissing me on the forehead before walking away.
Me and Isabel walk outside getting in the car, then I drive us home. When we walk through the door, I find my dad and Lena already sitting on the couch.

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