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I never ended up telling Isabel what all went down between me and Isabel, after she left we both just went to our rooms, did our own thing.
I didn't want to be angry about anything right now, I didn't want to ruin the good day I was having.
I got my homework done right away, I finished it all pretty quick, so I went on my phone, scrolling through social media. I ended up falling asleep phone in hand.
Next thing I know I have my alarm going off, worse noise in the world, but of course I had to get up. I check my phone first, I had a couple texts from Raegan.
*Hey babe*
*I miss you*
*You can't be sleeping, it's only like 8*
*You bum, wake up*
I texted him back.
*Hey sorry, feel asleep early last night*
Then I put my phone down and started getting ready, all the normal stuff.
I walked in the kitchen to find Isabel sitting down eating cereal, staring at my phone, smiling.
Me: "What happened to the whole 'let's eat dinner as a family' thing?"
I don't think Isabel even acknowledged I was in the room.
Me: "Hey... Earth to Isabel."
She looked up for a split second.
Isabel: "Oh sorry, yeah sure"
I just looked at her confused, she obviously didn't know what I said.
Me: "So who's that, a boy?"
That part she heard.
Isabel: "What? No"
Me: "Not lie to me"
Isabel: "Okay it's a boy"
Me: "Since when did you start talking to him"
Isabel: "The first day of school actually"
Me: "And why didn't you tell me this?"
Isabel: "Didn't want to tell anyone til I knew it was serious."
Me: "Its serious now?"
Isabel: "I don't know, I think I might ask me out"
Me: "Okay, see told you you'd find someone"
Isabel: "Yeah, I guess you were right"
I smiled at her.
Me: "Well we better get going we don't want to be late"
Isabel: "Oh yeah, school"
We both get up, grabbing our back packs in the way out, then heading to the car.
The whole way there I had a smile on my face. When I get to school I'll get to see Raegan, and I know there's no other way April can get to me.
Isabel: "What are you so happy about?"
Me: "Oh, um nothing"
Isabel: "You sure?"
Me: "Yeah, I can't just be happy in the morning."
Isabel: "Well u mean you can, its just. Actually, never mind"
It was then we pulled into the parking lot.
Isabel: "There she is"
Me: "Who?"
Isabel: "April"
Me: "You think she's coming this way?"
Isabel: "Um, maybe"
We both sit in the car watching her as she walks into the school.
Isabel: "Huh, weird"
Me: "No, maybe she just got the hint"
Isabel: "You don't think we should apologize?"
I look over at her.
Me: "No, not really"
I say then getting out the car.
Isabel: "Ok.."
She then says, also getting out of the car. We both start walking up to school entering the front doors.
I start heading to my locker, I get everything I need out of it, then I head to Raegan's locker, where him and Kale are talking.
I get to Raegan's locker.
Me: "Hey guys"
Kale: "Sup Justinnn"
Raegan puts his arm over my shoulder.
Raegan: "There you are"
Me: "Here I am"
We both look at each other in the eyes, his eyes are so pretty.
Kale: "Awww"
Kale says, as we both look at him.
Kale: "The way you guys look at each other, it makes so happy"
We both let out a little laugh as Raegan pulls me closer, kissing my forehead.
Kale: "Honestly I wish I had a relationship like that"
Me: "Aw, Kale"
Raegan: "Don't worry, someday you'll find a girl, or a boy, who will make you very happy, just takes time"
Kale: "Yeah well I don't feel like waiting, takes to long"
He says then letting out a laugh.
Raegan: "Well then I don't know what to tell you"
Kale: "Well let's just get this day over with, first week of school has already been hell"
Raegan: "Ready for the weekend?"
Kale: "Hell Yeah!"
We all three end up laughing as we walked to our first class. Which ended up being more fun then expected. There was a sub, who obviously had no idea what he was doing so he just handed out these worksheets that seemed like they were for middle school kids.
Everyone got done fast, so people just talked, I talked to Raegan pretty much the whole period.
My next class however, not so fun, unless pop quizzes are fun to you.
The rest of the morning was okay, it went by pretty fast, along with getting homework, but really no surprise there. I got in the lunch room line getting my lunch, then sit down at one of the lunch tables.
As I eat I see Isabel storm in the lunch room with a big smile on her face. She walks over sit down across from me.
Me: "Someone's happy"
Isabel: "You will not believe what just happened?"
Me: "What?"
Isabel: "Mikey asked me out!"
Me: "Oh really? Who's Mikey?"
Isabel: "You know.. The guy I was telling you about"
Me: "Oh, that guy"
Isabel: "Yeah!"
Me: "So he asked you out?"
Isabel: "Yeah we're going to see a movie this weekend"
Me: "That's, awesome!"
Isabel: "Yes, yes it is, but hey I have to go to the library, find this book for this report, catch up with you later?"
Me: "Yeah, sounds like a plan"
Isabel: "Okay great"
She says walking away passing Raegan on the way out. He comes and sits down by me.
Raegan: "What's she so happy about?"
Me: "She's got a date"
Raegan: "A date?"
Me: "Yeah with this guy she's been talking to."
Raegan: "Oh, how do you feel about that?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Raegan: "Well I mean, she's like your little sister now, and there's this guy coming in to her life. Or are you not going to be an over protected brother"
Me: "Oh, um, well I guess I never really thought about it that way."

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now