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Me: "I was at Raegan's"
Dad: "Yeah well thanks for the heads up"
Me: "Didn't think you care"
Dad: "Why would you say that?!"
Me: "You don't care about my feelings about moving"
Dad: "Oh come on Justin"
Me: "I'm just saying"
Dad: "I'm trying here, you think I want you to be upset? I don't."
Me: "Then why are we moving?"
Dad: "Just go pack, please"
Me: "I'll do it later, I'm going back to Raegan's"
I start walking to the door.
Dad: "No"
Me: "What?"
Dad: "I'm mean no, your not going to Raegan's"
Me: "Fine, he'll just come here"
Dad: "No, your not going anywhere and no ones coming over"
Me: "What? Dad you can't do that"
Dad: "Actually I can, now up stairs, pack, now!"
I run upstairs, slamming my door.
He can't do this, it's not fair. I'm going to leave my boyfriend in a week and I can't spend time with him?
I honest don't care what my dad said at this point. I shoot Raegan a text.
*Can you come over?*
Raegan: *Yeah, sure*
Me: *But um, don't come through the door, come through the window?*
Raegan: *okay?*
Me: *Ill explain when your here*
I sit in my bed waiting for Raegan to get here, finally I hear him knock on my window. I go to open it.
Me: "Shh...."
Raegan: "Hey to you to. Now why did I have to climb through the window."
Me: "Well your not supposed to be here.."
Raegan: "Then why am I here?"
Me: "Because I leave soon and I want to spend as much time with you as I can."
Raegan: "Aw, your sweet"
He says walking over to me hugging me.
Raegan: "And why can't I be over?"
I let go of the hug.
Me: "Me and my dad had this argument, said I can't go anywhere, or have anyone over"
Raegan: "So should I go?"
Me: "No, stay"
Just then I hear some footsteps coming up the stairs.
Dad: "Justin?"
Me: "Oh no"
Raegan: "What do I do?"
I look around the room.
Justin: "Um, closet, hurry"
I open it and Raegan runs inside.
Then I hear my dad knocking on the door. 
Then he comes right in.
Me: "Hey dad, what's up?"
Dad: "Who are you talking to?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Dad: "I thought I heard someone talking.."
Me: "Nope, just me"
Dad: "Yeah, okay, alright sorry"
My dad walks out of my room, and I close my door. I wait a couple seconds.
Me: "okay, you're good"
Raegan comes out of the closet.
Me: "That was close"
Raegan: "Yeah"
Raegan walked over and sat down on my bed.
Me: "So I was thinking-"
Just then my door opens, and my dad walks in.
Dad: "Hmm, Hey Raegan"
Raegan: "Hey... Mr. Blake"
Dad: "Nice to see you again"
Raegan: "Yeah you too"
Dad: "I like you Raegan, don't get me wrong, but Justin's in a bit of trouble right now, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
Raegan: "Oh, yeah, I understand"
Raegan gets up walking out the door.
Raegan: "Talk to you later Justin"
Me: "Yeah..."
We both hear the front door close.
Me: "Why'd you have to go and do that?"
Dad: "Justin, I told you, no one over. And you went behind my back anyways!"
Me: "Were leaving in like a week, all I wanted to do is spend time with him"
Dad: "Yeah, well maybe tomorrow, today you're staying in here"
Me: "What I can't leave my bedroom."
Dad: "Yep"
Me: "How, wh, what?"
Dad: "You heard me"
Me: "Why are you doing this?"
Dad: "Why are you disobeying my rules"
Me: "As far as I know I didn't, 'break a rule' and what about Isabel she hates the idea.
Dad: "Yeah well she's not disappearing out of no where and misbehaving"
My dad then walked out of my room, closing my door.
I jump down on my bed.
I'm not even going to do anything, I'll pack a different day. I mean my suitcases are in the closet in the hall, and I can't "lave me room"
I wish I was eighteen already. I could live on my own.
I grab my phone. I have a text from Raegan.
Raegan: *Im sorry, if I got you in trouble*
Me: *No it's my fault*
Raegan: *So is everything okay?*
Me: *Im mean I'm grounded I guess*
Raegan: *Really? How long*
Me: *No idea*
Me and Raegan texted some more, for the next couple hours anyways, i would have called him, but you know, my dad might of heard, then you know, I'll get in trouble.
Raegan: *Hey it's getting pretty late, and we have school tomorrow*
Me: *Yeah, I guess*
Raegan: *See you tomorrow?*
Me: *Yeah*
Raegan: *I love you Justin*
Me: *I love you too!*

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now