Parents Pt. 2

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Raegan and I walk down the block, leading us to a hill, and at the bottom of he hill is a lake, with a bridge going over it. Raegan leads me all the way down to the bridge, and we both sit in the edge.
Me: "You brought me here why?"
Raegan: "just look at this view"
The view was a bright sunset, and I do have to admit it was pretty nice.
Me: "Yeah, it's pretty nice."
Raegan: "And something else"
Me: "Okay?"
Raegan: "I have to ask you something. Something important"
Me: "okay...?"
Raegan turns to me, and I turn to him, he smiles and looks me in the eyes.
Raegan: "Will you be my boyfriend?"
What did he just ask me? Am I hearing right? Wow, I must be really tired.
Me: "Wha-What did you say..?"
Raegan: "Will you be my boyfriend?"
Me: "I thought you said you were straight?"
Raegan: "Yeah, but this is different, I have a connection with you that I have with no one else."
I want to start crying, this makes me so happy. A small tear comes to my eyes.
Me: "I would love to be your boyfriend"
Raegan: "Well that's great"
Raegan grabs my hand, holding it, and we both sit there, looking at the sun set. I put my head on his shoulder, still just sitting, watching the sunset.
After a little while, the sunsets down and it's getting dark, so we start heading home. When we get back to his house, we go to his room.
Raegan: "Wanna watch a movie, or something"
Me: "Sure, it's getting late though, I should head home after."
Raegan: "Or you could just stay over"
Raegan smiles at me and I smile back.
Me: "Or I could do that too."
Me and Raegan both lay on his bed, my head on his shoulder just like on the bridge.
Reagan put in a movie before, so we watch it, until his brother came back into the room.
RB: "Hey Raegan do you have- wait.. Are you too like, a thing"
Raegan: "As of today, yup"
RB: "Uh, you know you did always struck me as the gay type."
Raegan: "I don't know if that's supposed to be mean or- but okay"
RB: "Yeah.. Well Justin, welcome to the family."
Justin: "Thanks, Im glad to be apart of it"
I say, leaning over, hugging Raegan.
RB: "Aw, you guys are cute.. It's gross"
Raegan picks up a pillow from behind me throwing it at him, laughing.
Raegan: "Get out"
Raegan's brother leave the room, yelling,
RB: "It's cute, but still gross."
I wake up to Raegan cuddling me, and I love it. For some reason I don't feel like our relationship isn't that different from before. Which is okay, I guess.
Reagan: "Good morning"
Me: "Morning"
Raegan: "How'd you sleep?"
Me: "Fine"
Raegan: "Okay, well my dads making breakfast, so come get some."
Me: "oh, okay"
Raegan and I both walk into the kitchen.
R Dad: "Morning boys"
Raegan: "Morning dad"
Me: "Oh um, good morning"
R Dad: "Sit down, I made breakfast"
Everyone sits around the table me and Raegan on one side, and Raegan's brother and dad on the other side.
R Dad: "How is it?"
Raegan: "Its alright"
R Dad: "Okay.. How about you Justin good?"
Me: "Oh, yes sir, could you, um, please pass the salt."
R Dad: "Oh, Yes of course. Wow, Reagan. You pick a polite boy to be your boyfriend."
Everyone freezes for a second, except for Raegan's dad he continues eating.
Raegan: "So u know?"
R Dad: "Of course I do, I know everything. I was waiting till you were going to finally come out"
Reagan: "How do u all know what I am before I do?"
R Dad: "Because were family, and no one knows you better than your family, any ways Justin, welcome."
Me: "Thanks"
After breakfast, me and Raegan help his dad clean up dinner, and we head back to his room.
Me: "Hey, sense your dad know, I want to tell mine."
Reagan: "Okay? Doesn't he know your gay?"
Me: "Well then yeah."
Reagan: "Then what's the problem"
Me: " I mean I want you to come, and we'll tell him together."
Reagan looks at me and smiles.
Raegan: "Okay!"
Reagan walks over to be rapping his arms around me giving me a hug, I hug him back. It lasts a while.
Me: "So should we go?"
Reagan: "Yeah"
After the hug, I grab my jacket and me and Raegan start walking back to my house. Once we get to the sidewalk walking down the street, he lets out a question.
Raegan: "So, have you ever had a girlfriend"
Me: "huh"
Raegan: "Like at one point were you straight"
Me: "Yeah I tried that once, it didn't work"
Reagan: "So you've had a boyfriend before?"
Me: "One, we weren't that serious, I'm not even sure he was gay, he mean he never wanted to hand my hand or kiss me. But anyways, how about you?"
Raegan: "Um, 2 girl friends, no boyfriends"
Me: "Was it real, the relationship?"
Reagan: "One of them lasted about a month."
Me: "And the other?"
Raegan: "Almost a year."
Me: "Oh.."
After that I kind of went silent, I mean he's been with girls, and longer than anyone I've ever been with. Which I can't be mad about, he didn't even know I was gay til I came around.
Raegan: "Anyways, so your dads accepting you?"
Me: "Yeah actually, I have a really supportive dad, I mean him having two transgender sons-"
Raegan: "Wait, your brothers trans too"
Me: "Yeah. It was actually nice, you know
having someone going through the same thing as me growing up."
Raegan: "That's cool"
Me: "Yeah"
We finally arrived at my house. My dad was sitting on the front porch when we walked up the sidewalk leading to the door step.
Dad: "Hey boys"
Me: "Hey Dad"
We get closer, and me and Raegan stood in front of him.
Me: "Dad this is Raegan, my- "
Dad: "I know who he is, he's been over bef-"
Me: "No dad, this is Raegan, my boyfriend"
Dad: "Oh, well okay, Raegan, welcome to the family."
Reagan: "I'm really glad to be apart of it"
Dad: "Okay, well, are you going to stay, I was about to make lunch."
Raegan: "Um, thanks but I have to actually have to get back home, my aunts coming into town today, so."
Dad: "Alright, next time"
Raegan turns to me and gives me a hug, then starts walking home.
Reagan: "Text me later?"
Me: "Yeah, or I'll call you"
Reagan: "Okay, yeah, bye"
Raegan starts walking off, turning the corner of the block, and I go sit in the chair next to my dad on the patio.

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