Party? Pt. 2

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I'm not that far away from Raegan, I can hear the entire conversation he had with his friend he was sitting right next to.
Kayla sits on he chair right across from Raegan.
James: "Then next thing we know there's all this snow"
James continues talking, I'm still not paying attention to him.
Kayla: "Raegan, is that you?"
Raegan: "Yep, it's me"
Kayla: "How are you, I've tried texting, and calling you, you never answered."
Raegan: "Busy, you know."
Kayla: "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for the way we left things"
Raegan: "Its fine"
I decided to go over there.
Me: "Hey James, cool story but I have to find a friend."
Then I start to walk off.
James: "Yeah, okay, catch you around."
I start walking towards Raegan and Kayla, still listening in on their conversation.
Kayla: "No it's not fine, I should of. Ever dumped you"
Raegan: "No, it's fine"
Kayla: "No it was a mistake, I miss you."
After she said that, I walked past and Raegan saw me. I was going to sit next to him, but the couch was full.
Kayla: "I think we should get back togeth....."
I sat down on Raegan's lap as Kayla was finishing her statement.
Me: "I'm Justin"
I said smiling at her, holding my hand out to greet her. She didn't shake my hand back.
Kayla: "Hi... um, well we were having a conversation... So.."
Kayla gave me that "Go away please face". You can also see how see was confused, I mean I just walked up at sat on Raegan's lap, but I mean he's fine with it.
Me: "Oh sorry, continue"
I say, looking at her smiling.
Kayla: "Raegan... do you um know this boy"
Raegan: "Yep"
Me: "Here let me interdict myself further, I'm Justin Blake, Rae-"
Raegan: "My boyfriend"
I look at Raegan, and smile, he smiles back, then we both look at Kayla.
Raegan: "What was it you had to say?"
Kayla looked extremely mad, like one of her nails broke, apparently girls get really mad over stuff like that.
Kayla: "I have to go"
Me: "Okay, bye!"
I say with a smile.
Kayla: "Text me later Raegan"
Me: "No he won't"
Kayla rolls her eyes and keeps walking.
After she's out of sight, I turn to Raegan.
Me: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be snotty like that it's just-"
Raegan: "No,  glad you did"
Me: "Really?"
Raegan: "Wanna get out of here?"
Me: "Yes, please"
I get off of Raegan and then he gets up, then we started walking out of the house, to the car.

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