Blake Boys & Raegan

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That day we decided to stay in, instead of going out and doing stuff. We watched more movies, ate some food, played video games. At this point it was about 4 in the afternoon. Two hours til they had to leave.
Me: "It's going to be really weird not going to the same school at you guys.
Danny: "It really is"
Damon: "Yeah don't go replace us at your new school"
Me: "Trust me, no one can replace you guys. And plus it's not like I know really anyone there."
Danny: "You haven't met any other people"
Me: "Well Raegan, obviously, then kale, who introduce me to him. Um, Isabel, which I guess doesn't really count since I live with her. And this one other girl who I'm not really friends with.
Danny: "Who?"
Me: "I don't really want to talk about it"
Danny: "Oh, okay. I thought you told us everything"
Me: "She's just a girl who did something stupid, and now we're not friends."
Danny: "Oh, okay"
Damon: "So this Isabel, you like her?"
Me: "Yeah I mean, we live together so I have too"
Damon: "Well you don't have to"
Me: "Well it makes things easier. We hang out a lot, when I'm not hanging out with Raegan. Sometimes all of us all hang out together though"
Danny: "Well that's cool, I guess."
Me: "Yeah"
Times went by, Isabel ending up coming in asking me a question, but she stayed longer after I introduced her to Danny and Damon. They ended up thinking she was pretty cool too.
When 6 came rolling around everyone kind of got sad.
Me, my dad, Damon and Danny got in the car, driving over to the air port.
We all have our hugs, and I'm not going to lie, the tears came rolling down.
I watched them walk through their gate, and I even waited to watch the plane fly away. Then we drove home. I wish they didn't have to leave so soon.
I know I don't show it, but it's hard being states away from them.
On the way back from the airport, I posted a picture of Danny, Damon and I. Captioning;
*Til next time, love you guys*
The picture blew up pretty fast, people likening and commenting.
The comments are what made me happy, things like;
"Aw, you'll see them soon"
"I love you guys"
They made me smile.
When I got back home, I found Raegan laying down in my bed, in my room.
Raegan: "Hey your back"
I wasn't exactly happy, without saying anything, I sat down next to him.
Raegan: "Are you okay?"
I shrug my shoulders, that's when he pulled me closer to him, hugging me.
Me: "It's like they were never here, they left so fast."
Raegan: "I know, but it's not like you'll ever see them again"
Me: "I know. It's just kind of been hard, with out them."
Raegan: "I bet"
Me: "But I have you, to take my mind off of things."
Raegan: "Yes, you sure do"
My phone kept going off in my picture, people liking and commenting on my picture.
I looked through the comments, and a user name came up again.
aprilxconners: "Aw, you guys are cute"
I look down at the comment.
Raegan: "What's wrong?"
Me: "Nothing, that April girl from before, keeps commenting stuff on my pictures, like she's stalking me or something.
Raegan: "Well."
Raegan says putting my phone down
Raegan: "I know something that will take your mind off of it?"
Raegan kisses me, it's like that for a second, then he makes his way down to my neck. I was all good until.
*Knock* *Knock*
Isabel: "Hey Justin?"
Raegan stops, laying back on the bed.
Me: "Yeah?"
I say, wishing she would have not knocked.
Me: "Isabel?"
Isabel: "Oh yeah, I was just wondering.."
Me: "come in, I can't hear you"
Isabel comes in about to say something, but looks at us.
Isabel: "Oh sorry, did I interrupt something?"
I sat there raising my eyebrows, hinting to her, yes, yes she was interrupting something.
Me: "Just what was it you needed?"
Isabel: "Oh um, just, um. You know what? I forgot, you guys just, yeah, I'll go"
I smiled at her.
Me: "Good idea"
Isabel walked out of the room, closing the door.
I look back at Raegan.
Me: "Where we you."
Raegan comes closer to me leaning in, going back to kissing me, me kissing back.
He travels down to my neck again, he stays there for a while.
I feel his hand travel down my waist when.
Raegan's phone starts running and buzzing.
We tried to ignore it, but it was loud and ruining the moment.
He stops what he was doing and walks over to his phone, picking it up.
Raegan: "Hello?"
"Okay, be there soon"
Raegan says looking at me sadly.
I know why.
I lay back down on the bed letting out a sigh.
Me: "What now?"
Raegan: "Dad needs me home"
Me: "Of course"
Raegan comes over to me kissing me on the forehead.
Raegan: "Text me"
Me: "Yeah."
He leaves the room.
Me: "Love you!"
I yell knowing he's already out of my room.
Raegan: "I love you too"
I hear him yell back, then a door shut, soon after that, I walk to the window watching his car start, then driving away.
Me: "UGG!"
I say, laying back on my bed.
Then I look up seeing Isabel standing in the door way.
Isabel: "Hey"
I put my head back down.
Me: "Hey"
Isabel: "Sorry"
Me: "For what"
Isabel: "Interrupting whatever it was that was going on"
Me: "You didn't, I mean you did but, it's fine. Just if I'm with Raegan, with my door closed.
Isabel: "Okay, I get it"

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now