Its her Again

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*Its me, April*
God damn, why must you.
Me: *How did you even get my number?*
*Thats besides the point, can we just talk*
Me: *What is there to talk about?*
*Ever since you quit we haven't had a chance to talk*
Me: *Why do you think I quit?*
*Can we talk?*
Me: *April, I don't want to do this, go on with your life, I'll go on with mine*
*Please Justin, your my only friend*
Me: *Oh come on, don't even do that*
*No I'm serious, i don't have many, and I thought we were good friends*
Me: *You're right, "were"*
*Well were going to go to the same school, so can't we just forget about it and make up?*
Me: *No April, we can't I'm sorry*
*Please, I don't even get what I did*
Me: *Oh come on*
*Okay, j know I shouldn't of said that I liked you, but I'm a girl, girls express their feelings*
Me: *Im not going this, I have better things to do*
*Yeah, with your boyfriend, huh. Why can't we at least just be friends*
Me: *Goodbye April*
*Wait, Justin Please*
That's the last text I saw of hers I didn't reply, I blocked her. I couldn't deal with her.
That conversation ruined my night, but I still had Raegan, so everything was alright. I reach over to the my end table, plugging my phone.
Then I struggle back up next to Raegan, kissing
his forehead, covering us both up with the blanket, and before I knew it, I was asleep.
I wake up to find myself laying on Raegan's chest. Him playing with my hair.
I pretend that I'm sleeping for a bit longer just so he plays with my hair.
I guess I failed at doing that when I sneezed.
Raegan: "Oh so your awake?"
He takes his hand off of my hair.
Me: "Mhm"
I mumble then grab his hand putting it back on my hair, then he starts playing with it again.
Raegan: "Oh okay"
He said giggling.
Raegan: "Justin, who's this?"
Me: "Who's what?"
Raegan: "I don't know, this number"
Raegan read out a number I've never heard.
Me: "No idea, what did they say?"
Raegan: "They texted; *Really you blocked me, that's how low you are?*"
Me: "Oh, that's probably April"
Raegan: "April, you mean-"
Me: "Yeah"
Raegan: "What's she want?"
I sit up. Sitting in front of Raegan.
Me: "She wants to, 'Talk'"
I say with air quotations.
Raegan: "So just talk to her"
I roll my eyes.
Me: "I don't want to"
Raegan: "Why?"
Me: "Raegan, I just don't"
Raegan: "Okay I get what she did, but you don't have to hold a grudge-"
Me: "Raegan! I just don't want to talk to her, I don't want to be her friend! Nothing! Okay, can you just shut up about it!?"
Raegan looked at me, a blank face he had. Wait, what did I just say.
Raegan: "Okay.."
He gets and picks up his shoes.
Me: "Wait Raegan, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
Raegan: "I know"
Me: "Where are you going"
Raegan: "I'm gonna, um, head home"
Me: "Raegan"
Raegan: "Talk to you later Justin"
Me: "Raegan.."
He didn't say anything back, he left the room, and soon after that I hear the front door open, then close shut.
Seconds later Isabel comes walking into me room, standing by the door.
In a low voice she talks.
Isabel: "Hey are you okay, Raegan seemed mad-"
Out of no where I just screamed,
Me: "Just get out!"
Isabel: "Sorry I just wanted to see-"
Me: "Get out Isabel!!"
She stood there for a second.
Isabel: "I don't know what your problem is, but you don't have to take it out on me."
Then she starts leaving the room, was I mean?
Me: "Isabel wait,"
But it was too late, she was already out of the room too.
Great! I just screamed at the too people I really only talk too.

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