First Day Drama Pt. 2

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Raegan: "I thought you didn't want to talk to her."
Me: "Well that's until she wanted to scream at me across the hall"
Raegan: "She did that"
Me: "Yep, in front of a lot of people too"
Raegan: "Why would she do that?"
I toppled over at him.
Me: "Because, she's, crazy!"
Raegan: "I don't know about crazy"
Me: "Trust me, she is"
Raegan: "So are you going to like text her?"
Me: "After school."
Raegan: "Oh."
Me: "And you should come!"
Raegan: "Me, why?"
Me: "Because"
Raegan: "I mean I can, if you want me too"
Me: "Yeah, you should. Then you can come over after wards?"
Raegan: "Yeah sure, but I have homework to do,"
Me: "Me too, we can just do it together, and with Isabel too most likely."
Raegan: "Okay, where is she anyways."
Me: "No idea, she ran off as soon as we got out of the car.
Raegan: "Mhm"
Me: "Can we go back to the cafeteria now, their having meatballs for lunch!"
Raegan: "Alright"
Raegan gets up, helping me up, then we walk back to the cafeteria.
When we got back to the cafeteria, Charlie and his little gang were already gone.
Me and Raegan join Kale and Jack and finish eating lunch, at this point lunch was already half way over.
It was then I saw Isabel coming her way sitting down at the table.
Isabel: "I wasn't ready, I'm not ready"
Everyone kind of laughed.
Me: "What'd you mean"
Isabel: "New people, new classes, new teachers, new everything. It's too much"
Everyone just laughed more, than went back to eating their lunch.
I went to the rest of my classes, my last class was gym, I didn't take the time to shower, I'd just do that when I get home.
So after gym or P.E they call it in high school, I went to my locker to find Raegan waiting for me.
Raegan: "Ready?"
Me: "Ugg"
Raegan: "You said you would"
Me: "I know"
I put my things in my locker and we started walking towards the door.
Raegan tried to put his arm over my shoulder as we walked away, but I stopped him.
Me: "Trust me, you don't want to do that"
He just laughed and put his arm over my shoulder anyways.
We finally walked outside, I saw Isabel standing by the bush where I had to meet her, that where me and Raegan started walking too.
We get over there, and April just looks at me.
April: "Why is he here?"
Me: "Raegan?"
She shook her head yes.
Me: "Well anything your going to say to me he can hear"
April: "Can't we just talk alone"
Me: "Why what's the big deal?"
April: "Fine, I really liked you, heck I kind a still do, but that doesn't matter since your gay, with your boyfriend. But all I ask is to be friends."
I look over at Reagan, he just shrugs his shoulders.
Me: " I have some place to be."
April: "Justin!"
You could tell she was holding back something to say.
Me: "What?"
April: "Ya know, nothing, a gotta go too!"
Then she turned around walking away.
So me and Raegan started walking back to the car.
Isabel was already in in waiting in the passenger seat, I got in the drivers seat and Raegan got in the back.
Isabel: "It you guys long enough"
Me: "Sorry I had to do something"
Isabel: "Whatever lets just leave"
I pull out of the school parking lot.
Raegan: "Was your day that bad?"
Isabel: "Yeah"
She said with a sigh, while me and Raegan just laughed.

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