Open House

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Dad: "Hey so I'm gonna go over there."
My dad says pointing to a table with some parents around.
Dad: "Make sure you know where your classes are, text me when you're done"
Me: "Okay"
My dad walks off, and Isabel just looks at me. I start lookin around.
Me: "Hey I think I see Raegan over there"
Isabel: "Um, okay"
I start walking and she follows, i was right it was Raegan, standing next to Kale, and another guy I think I remember from that one party.
Me: "Hey."
Raegan: "Hey."
Kale: "Heyyy Justin! How've you been?!?"
Me: "Um, I've been okay."
Kale: "You remember Jack right?"
Me: "Um yeah, I think so"
I look at him, he smiled back.
Me: "Oh um, Isabel this is Jack and Kale, you already know Raegan. Um guys this is my sister, sibling, type person."
I said in a weird way. I actually don't know what I just said, but when I looked back at Isabel she was smiling, so at this point I don't really care how it came out.
Kale: "Well nice to meet you, Justins sister type person"
Isabel: "You too."
Isabel came closer to me saying quietly,
Isabel: "Um if your good, I'm gonna walk around, learn my ways around here."
Me: "Oh, um, you want me to come with?"
Isabel: "No I'm good, I'll text you."
Me: "okay"
I say watching Isabel walking away.
Then the four of us stood here for a minute before Kale broke the silence.
Kale: "So! How's Jaegan going?!?"
Raegan laughed, I let out a small giggle.
Raegan: "Were great!"
Raegan says putting his arm around me.
Kale: "Aw, you guys are so cute, I'm jealous"
Kale said jokingly.
Jack: "You guys happy to be back here?"
Kale: "HELL NO"
Raegan: "I mean yes, and no"
They looked at me, I just shrugged my shoulders.
Jack: "Well, only 3 days left of summer left, then we're stuck back here"
Kale: "Thanks for the reminder"
Just then I get a text from my dad.
*Hey can you and Isabel head to the car, I think were ganna get going*
Me: *Yeah okay*
I say, then texting Isabel.
*Hey come back, my dad wants us to come to the car so we can go*
Isabel: *Okay I'll just meet you at the car*
Me: "Hey guys I gatta get going. See you guys in a couple days."
I lean over giving Raegan a hug.
Raegan: "Text me."
Me: "Will do, bye guys"
I say, as I start to walk back to the car, getting there the same time as Isabel.
When we got back home, we all got out of the car and started walking in.
Before I walked in, Isabel grabbed my hand stopping me.
Isabel: "Hey"
Me: "Hey, what's up?"
Isabel: "I don't know, I guess I just wanted to say thanks."
Me: "For what?."
Isabel: "For calling me your sibling, person"
Me: "I mean, you kind of are."
Isabel: "I thought you said we weren't, when we were walking out of the office?"
Me: "Yeah, but then I thought, we act like siblings, hang out like siblings, I guess we kind of are, right"
Isabel: "Yeah."
She says as we both walk inside.
Me: "So you found your way around the school?"
Isabel: "Yeah. Even made a friend"
Me: "cool"
Isabel: "So what's yours plans for the rest of the day."
Me: "I don't know, text Raegan, he might come over"
Isabel: Oh okay, cool"
After that we both go into our own rooms.
I sit down on my bed, shooting Raegan a text.
*Hey, whatcha doing?*
Raegan: *Nothing much, just got home*
Me:*Wanna spend the night?*
Raegan: *Oh, sure. When should I come over?*
Me: *Whenever*
Raegan: *Okay*
I put my phone down, getting in the shower before he got there.
When I got out I put on some pants and my binder, i leave the bathroom, walking to my room, to find Raegan sitting on my bed.
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "Why hey there"
I smile walking over to my closet, grabbing a hoodie then putting it on.
I walk over to Raegan on lay down next to him.
Raegan: "3 days"
Me: "Don't remind me"
He giggled.
Raegan: "So whatcha wanna do?"
He said rapping his arms around me.
He looked at me, smirking, I knew what he was thinking.
Me: "No babe, we can't"
Then his smirk turned into a frown.
Raegan: "Why?!?"
Me: "Isabel's in the next room, my dad in the other, we can't"
He just looked at me, still frowning.
Raegan: "Fine"
Then he turned over, his back pointing to me. He rap my hands around his waist.
Me: "That doesn't mean you stop loving me."
Raegan, still with his back turned, doesn't answer.
Me: "Raegan!"
Raegan: "What..."
Me: "Love me still"
Raegan turns back around staring at me in the face, raising his eyebrows.
Me: "There's just too many people here"
Raegan: "You don't love me"
Me: "Raegan, you can't even say that"
Raegan: "I know. Do you just not want to"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Raegan: "I mean, we never really talked about it, so I don't know that you just don't want to, with me"
Me: "Raegan, just, not now"
He just looked at me, and closes his eyes.
Me: "Come on"
Raegan: "Fine"
He raps his arms around me, and I tap one of my arms around him, then play with his hair, he falls asleep. As he sleeps he still holds me, so I stay laying there, he's too cute when he sleeps to move him.
I grab my phone. I see a text message from a number that I didn't know. I open the text.
*Can we talk?*
It was sent only about 15 minutes ago. I decided to text back, I mean it could be anyone.
*Um, okay. But who is this*
As soon as I sent the text, the little bubble thing that comes up on your screen when someone's typing a message came up so fast.

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