Is It Still Love

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He looked at me, no emotion on his face, I couldn't tell what he was feeling right now.
Raegan: "Justin."
He's still standing in his doorway.
Justin: "Can we talk"
Raegan: "If you promise not to scream at me."
He didn't even smirk at his comment.
Me: "I won't"
He closed the door and comes outside, standing in front of me.
Me: "Raegan, I, I'm sorry"
He didn't say anything, he looked at me still, but this this time, with a bit of sympathy.
Me: "I really shouldn't of went off on you like that, and I hated not taking to you, even if it was just for a night. I hate for you to be mad at me. Schools starts tomorrow and I didn't want to go into a new year with us fighting. And your the first guy I've really ever loved, and I don't know if you still love me or not-"
Before I could even say anything else; he stepped close to me hugging me, holding me.
I stopped talking, and hugged back.
We kind of stood there, like before, I didn't want it to happen, but the tears started rolling down my face.
Raegan: "Justin"
He let go off the hug, looking at me.
Raegan: "Oh, don't cry"
He wiped away my tears, and he smiled.
Raegan: "I will never stop loving you, what you said, yeah it made me mad you didn't even want to talk about it, then yelled at me, but people do that."
Single tears still run down my face, leaving streaks, but they stop.
Me: "So were okay?"
Raegan: "Of course"
He grabs my hand pulling me towards him, kissing me. Then hugging me once again.
*Next Day*
*Beep* *Beep*
My phone goes off, I didn't want to get up. I roll over and look at my phone. A text.
*Morning babe, ready for the first day*
Ugg no, I thought to myself. I text back.
*Sure, I guess*
I put my phone down, heading to the bathroom, taking a shower, after that getting dressed. Some ripped jeans, a black hoodie, then doing my hair, only to cover it with a hat.
On my way to the kitchen, I put my phone in my pocket, my headphones too, then grab my backpack.
Isabel: "Morning!"
I look at Isabel she looked way too happy.
Me: "What happened to you?"
Isabel: "What do you mean?"
Me: "What's with all the happiness?"
Isabel: "Its the first day?"
I grab a bowl out from the cabinet, then pouring some cereal, bringing it to the table sitting down next to Isabel and begin eating.
Me: "I've never seen someone so happy for school."
Isabel: "Well you know, new school, new me"
Me: "Oh yeah, totally"
Isabel: "I just want to make a good first impression to anyone I meet."
I just raise my eyes brows and then go back to eating, when my dad walks into the room.
Dad: "You guys better get going,"
Me: "Yeah your right"
Me and Isabel get up walking to the door.
Dad: "Do you want me to drive you guys?"
Me: "No I'll just drive us"
Dad: "Okay"
Isabel already put the door, I'm about to when my dad stops me.
Dad: "Justin."
Me: "Yeah dad?"
He looked at me right in the eye.
Dad: "Have a good day"
Me: "I will, bye"
Dad: "Bye"
After that I walked outside getting into the car.
Me: "Ready!"
Isabel: "I've been ready since 5:30 this morning."
I start the car pulling out of the parking lot, then I begin driving to school. And since it's only a couple minutes away we get there pretty fast.
When we get there I pull into the school parking lot, picking some random place to park.
We both get out of the car, I grab my backpack from the back, but when I looked up Isabel was already gone. She must've been really excited.
I started walking to my locker where I found Raegan waiting for me.
Me: "Well hello there"
I didn't need anything from it, being the first day.
He puts his arm around my shoulders and we both walk.
Raegan: "You ready?"
Me: "How many times are you going to ask that?"
Raegan: "Until you say your ready."
Me: "Okay, I'm "ready""
Reagan: "Whatever"
Me: "So what are you doing now? Following me"
Raegan: "Yeah sure, no we have our first class together."
Me: "How'd you know that?"
Reagan: "I looked at your schedule when you were holding it the other day."
Me: "Oh"
When we walk into the classroom, it's pretty filled up. Me and Raegan found to empty seats sitting next to each other, we took our seats. I got out the text book of the class, History, since everyone else had theirs out.
Some guy came up and talked to Raegan must've been one of his old friends.
Raegan: "Yeah, my summer was great. Justin"
Me: "Huh?"
Raegan: "Drew this is my boyfriend Justin"
Drew: "Hey nice to meet you."
Me: "You too"
They start talking, their conversations blur when I see April walk in talking a seat out of the corner of my eye.
Is was then she turned towards me, looking at me, I could tell she saw me. I could tel she was going to saw something, or mouth something anyways.
But I turned away before she could say anything.

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