Mall Day

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Isabel: "But you seem relevant"
Me: "Bella"
Isabel: "Okay, okay I'm done"
Me: "Thank you."
I looked over at Raegan and raised my eye brows."
Raegan: "I'm sorry."
I smiled.
Me: "So are we going to go buy stuff or sit here?"
Isabel: "Yeah we should go do that."
Raegan: "Yeah"
We get up, throwing away our trash, and start walking around the mall.
This part was kind of boring, we just walked in and out different stores, picked out some outfits. Normal shopping day.
When everyone got everything they needed, we walked back to the car, and drove home.
We dropped Raegan off first and all of his stuff. And had to be home for dinner. Me and Isabel went home right after, putting things away.
After we heard the news about Isabel and Lena moving in, we turned the guess room into Isabel's room, she has her basic teenager girl room, with her dresser filled with make up, and that kind of stuff.
After about an hour after we got home I was in my room, and decided to put in some new clothes. I was in nothing but some pants and a binder when Isabel came  in without even a knock.
Me: "Bella!"
Isabel: "Oh my gosh I'm sorry"
I held the shirt I was about to put on over me, then realized I did have my binder on so I put it down.
Isabel: "I didn't know you were chang... what are you wearing?"
Me: "This?"
I say pointing to my binder.
Isabel: "Yeah."
Me: "It's called a binder"
Isabel: "Like the school supplies"
Me: "Well it's spelled like that."
Isabel: "Oh... I don't want to like be nosy or anything, but why do you wear it?"
I thought to myself, she doesn't know what a binder is? At first I thought she was being a bit nosy, but I've never really told her any of this kind of stuff, and I mean she lives with me know, so I guess she should know correctly.
Me: "Well you know I'm trans"
Isabel: "Yeah.."
Me: "Well it's used to flatten my chest"
Isabel: "So it cov-, oh okay I get it"
Me: "Yep"
I said putting on a real shirt.
Isabel: "So does Raegan wear one too?"
I look over at Isabel.
Isabel: "Not to be nosy."
Me: "Yes, he wears one too"
Isabel: "Oh okay."
Me: "Anymore questions?"
Isabel: "No, um not at the moment."
Me: "Okay. So was there a reason why you came in here?"
Isabel: "Oh um, yeah. Your dad wants you in the living room."
Isabel says with a bit of a smirk.
Me: "What is it?"
Isabel: "Don't know"
She says smirking, shrugging her shoulders, waking out of my room.
I grab my phone putting it in my pocket then walk down the stairs to the living room.
As soon as I enter, my jaw drops.
Me: "Oh my gosh..."
Danny: "Are you just going to stand there?
I run over giving Danny a hug, I practically jumped in to his arms.
I pull Damon in, making it a group hug.
Me: "I can't believe you guys are here, dad"
Dad: "They really wanted to see you"
Me: "How long are you guys here for?"
Danny: "Only til tomorrow night"
Me: "oh, well do you guys want to go up stairs?"
Danny & Damon: "Sure"
All three of us walk upstairs.
Me: "I still can't believe you guys are here.
Danny: "Me either"
Me: "You guys can only stay till tomorrow night?"
Damon: "Yeah, we go back to school on Monday."
Me: "Oh yeah, back there they start earlier"
Danny: "Yeah."
Me: "Okay, well how are you guys?"
Danny: "Im okay."
Damon: "Yeah I've been alright."
Me: "You guys miss me?"
Damon: "Very"
Danny: "Yeah it's not really the Blake boys when one is states away."
Me: "Yeah your right"
Damon: "Well how you Justin?"
Danny: "Yeah still dating, what's his face."
Me: "Raegan?"
Danny: "Yeah him."
Me: "Um yeah he's good, I'm good. I've definitely missed you guys. Sometimes I wish we still lived together."
Danny: "Me too"
Damon: "Hey who was that girl out there?"
Danny: "Yeah and that woman"
I looked at them confused, I guess they didn't know.
Me: "Well that would be dads girlfriend, and her daughter"
Danny: "Oh my gosh, really?"
Damon: "How they?"
Me: "Um, well me and Lena, the girlfriend, still have trouble getting along."
Danny: "And the daughter?"
Me: "She actually not bad, she's pretty cool actually, we hang out a lot"
Danny: "Cool. I was wondering who that is in the picture you posted today."
Me: "Oh yeah, well that's her."
Damon: "Well that's cool."
Me: "Yeah, definitely miss Danny being the other teen in the house."
We all talked some more, how they're summers were going, then we threw in a movie, Danny and Damon fell asleep pretty fast.
When they did I went on my phone, going through social media.
I start going through my Instagram nonfictions, and I see one comment on my picture from today.
aprilxconners commented: Cute!
I clicked on the profile, no surprise, it's was  April, from the shop.
I didn't pay much attention to the comment, like "thanks for the compliment, bye now"
After a while of scrolling through social media, I fall asleep. I was the last one to wake up, when I did Danny and Damon were both on their phones.
Me: "Morning guys."
Damon: "Hey"
Danny: "Mornin"
Me: "How'd you guys sleep"
Damon: "I slept great"
Danny: "Yeah is glad, with your feet in my feet the whole night"
I giggled.
Me: "So what do you guys want to do today?"
Damon shrugged his shoulders.
Danny: "I don't know, when will we meet Raegan?"
Damon looked at me, they both did.
Me: "You guys want to meet him?"
They both shook their heads yes, in excitement.
Danny: "I'd like to know the dude dating my brother."
Damon: "Yeah"
Me: "Well I can shoot him a text, see what he doing today."
Danny: "Yeah, okay"
I grab my phone, opening my messages, pressing on his name.
*Hey babe, what are you doing today*
He texted back pretty quick.
Raegan: *Um, I have to go to this thing with my dad today, then I have to be at this dinner*
*Why what's up?*
Me: *Well Damon and Danny are in town and wanted to meet you*
Raegan: *i could come over after the dinner*
Me: *Okay, what time*
Raegan: *Like 8:00*
Me: *Okay, see you then?*
Raegan: *Yeah*
Me: *Okay*
Raegan: *Love you*
Me: *love you too*
I put my phone down looking up at Damon and Danny.
Me: "So he's busy today, but he could come over later tonight"
Danny: "What time"
Me: "Around 8?"
Damon: "Our plane leaves at 6:45"
Me: "Oh.. I guess you can meet him next time?"
Danny: "Yeah"
Damon: "Okay"
Me: "Well what else you guys wanna do today"

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