The Thoughts

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I ended up staying up for a bit longer, a couple hours to be in fact.
I start scrolling through Instagram when I came across this video, it was a video about a long distance couple.
Yo be completely honest, it made me really sad, that's how me and Raegan were going to be, and I didn't want that.
The next morning, I got up looking over at my phone, 6:00, I should get up.
I head to my closet grabbing some clothes, then I walk over to my door, opening it. But then I just stand there.
A couple minutes goes by and my dad comes out of his room.
Dad: "What are you doing, you should be getting ready for school"
Me: "Oh, I'm aloud to come out of my room now?"
Dad: "Yes m, but keep the attitude up and you'll be right back there"
Me: "Mhm"
I say walking to the bathroom.
I take a quick shower, then get dressed. I head down stairs, to the kitchen, grabbing my backpack. Isabel was sitting at the table.
Me: "Hey are you ready to go"
Isabel: "Um, yeah I just-"
Me: "I'll meet you in the car"
Isabel: "Oh, um okay"
I walk out the door, getting in the car. A couple minutes later, Isabel gets in the car.
Me: "Ready?"
Isabel: "Yeah, what's your rush"
Me: "Nothing, just want to get there in time"
Isabel: "okay?"
I start the car, pulling out of the drive way and start driving to school.
The car ride to school was pretty silent, I wasn't in the mood to have a decent conversation, and Isabel just sat there on her phone.
We pull in the school parking lot, and both walk in, then going our own ways.
I go to my lockers to get my stuff for my first class, as I see Raegan walking my way.
Raegan: "Hey"
Me: "Hey..."
Raegan: "So is everything okay?"
Me: "I don't know, I guess"
Raegan: "Your dads not mad?"
Me: "I don't know, he didn't say much"
I say closing my locker door.
Raegan: "Oh, okay. Well we should get to class"
Me: "Yeah, we should"
After that we start walking to class, no one saying a word, it was kind of weird. I just don't think I was in the best mood.
Class went by, we got this stupid project due next week.
I didn't really care about it, I mean I'll be gone by the time it's done, what's the point, right?
The rest of the morning classes went by pretty quick, and by then it was lunch time. I started walking to the lunchroom, I peek inside, and I see Raegan, kale and Jack all sitting at a table, and the spot I usually sit at. That's how it was going to be, until they find someone to replace me.
I decided to skip lunch, instead I went outside, and sat up against the school wall, somewhere on the grass, pulling out my headphones listening to music. All these thoughts just went through my head, this whole long distance thing.
I get some texts from Raegan.
*Hey, where are you?*
*Are you okay*
I didn't reply, I just sat there, until the bell rang, I decided to skip the next period, which I had with Raegan.
I needed some place to myself that wasn't at home, or school for that matter.
That period went by pretty fast, even if I just sat there listening to music the whole time. I decided that I'd actually go to the next class.
I get up walk to my locker to get my books, and walk to my class, out of the corner of my eye I see Raegan, he didn't see me, so I hurried up and tuned the corner, so he definitely wouldn't.
I get to my next class, sitting in the back, so I was less likely to be called on.
After that I went to my next couple classes still sitting in the back, doing the same thing.
The final bell final rings, I walk to my locker, grabbing my stuff. And out the corner of my eye again, I see Raegan turning around the corner, waking my way.
I hurry up, grabbing what I need and start heading to the parking lot.
While I'm walking I can hear Raegan calling my name. I pretend to not hear. I get outside and Raegan catches up to me.
Raegan: "Justin, hey, wait up"
I turn around.
Me: "What..."
Raegan: "Hey, what's wrong?"
Me: "Nothing. What do you want?"
Raegan: "Justin, what's going on?"
Me: "I don't know, what is going on!?"
Raegan: "What are you talking about?"
Me: "Us, our relationship!"
Raegan: "Justin"
Me: "What's going to happen to us?"
Raegan walks to me putting his hand on my shoulders.
Raegan: "Justin, we're fine, why would something be wrong"
Me: "When I move, how do I know I'm not going to be replaced, that your not going o move on and find someone better than me. When I'm gone, how do I know if you'll stop loving me the way you do now"
At this point streaks of tears are rolling down my face. I keep wiping them away, but it's no use, I keep crying.
I look up at Raegan, his eyes are watery, and one tears strolls down his face.
Raegan: "Justin, look at my"
I look at up him, trying not to cry more.
Raegan: "You may be in another state, we may not get to wake up to each other some mornings, or always be next to each other. But we will still have the same relationship. And no one will ever be able to replace you, because Justin you are special, different than anyone that I have ever meet."
Me: "Aw, Raegan"
I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
Raegan: "And trust me, I will always love you, I'll never stop. If I have to tell you everyday, call you at random moments just so you know, I will. Cause I really love you Justin, more than anything in the world."
Me: "I really love you too Raegan"
After that I jump in his arms, hugging him tightly, both of us with tears in our eyes. I hear my phone continually go off so I let go of the hug to check it, it was Isabel, she was waiting in the car.
Raegan: "What is it?"
Me: "Just Isabel, she waiting at the car"
Raegan: "oh okay"
Me: "Wanna come with?"
Raegan: "Yeah, I would"
He says smiling, putting his arm over my shoulders as we both walked to the car.

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