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Me and my dad ate dinner, I helped him clean up, and then I went up to my room. First thing I do? Check my phone, nothing? Should I text him first, I mean I don't really care at this point. I shoot him the first text.
Me: *Hey Reagan*
Raegan: *Hey*
Then before I knew it, [Incoming Call: Raegan] I waited a few seconds before I picked it up.
Me: "Hey"
Raegan: "Hey Justin"
Me: "So..."
Raegan: "So..."
Me: "You kissed me.."
Raegan: "Yeah we went over this in the car.."
Me: "Yeah and then you kissed me again"
Raegan: "Where's your point?"
Me: "Why?"
Raegan: "Because I like you."
Me: "Like, like me?"
Raegan: "Yeah, I like, like you"
Me: "oh.."
Raegan: "What about you, do u like, like me?"
Me: "I do"
Then there's a moment of silence
Me: "Wanna hang out tomorrow?"
Raegan: "I'd love that"
We talked for a while that night, all about random things, half way throughout the night we face timed, I ended up falling asleep first, and Raegan toke a whole bunch of screen shots of me asleep. And woke up to a bunch of them.
After looking at all the screenshots that Raegan took of me, I get in the shower. When I get out I find another text from Raegan.
Raegan: *So we're going to hang out today?*
Me: *Yeah, I mean we can*
Raegan: *Alright...*
Me: *You can come over again, watch some more movies*
Raegan: *Okay, what time do you want me over?*
Me: *Um, anytime is fine*
Raegan: *Alright, I'll be over in a bit?*
Me: *Yeah, okay see you in a bit*
After sending that last text, I clean up my room a bit, and then walk into the living room. I was looking for my dad. I look for him around the house, when I hear him working in the garage.
I go through the backdoor leading to the garage.
Me: "hey dad."
Dad: "Hey Justin, what's up?"
Me: "Oh nothing I was just letting you know that Raegan, he was going to come over again today. I mean if that's cool with you."
Dad: "Yeah, of course, he's welcome any time."
Me: "thanks"
I start walking back into the house, then walking back to my room. I sit on my bed and go on my phone, checking all the social media.
After about 20 minutes of that I hear a tap on my window. I get up and walk over to it. It's Raegan. I open the window, and Raegan climbs in.
Me: "Well that's definitely one way to make an entrance, you know we have a door right?"
Raegan: "Yeah, well that's from normal people, I like to be different."
Me: "You are different"
Reagan: "Is that good or bad?"
Me: "Good"
I smiled at Raegan, and he smiled back.
Raegan: "Hey wanna go for a walk?"
Me: "Um, sure.. On a walk where?"
Raegan: "You'll see."
Reagan grabs my hands leading me out of my house. We start walking down the side walk and I call out to my dad.
Me: "Bye dad, me and Reagan are going on a walk, bye"
Dad: "Oh okay.."
My dad says in the distance. And me and Reagan are walking down the street to where it is he's bringing me.
Me: "Hey where is it that we're going?"
Raegan: "I told you, a walk"
Me: "I get that I mean to where"
Raegan: "You know just around the neighborhood"
Me: "okay"
Reagan: "Here lets go"
Raegan starts running down the side walk, so I start running too. He ends up going through an alley into a backyard.
Me: "Reagan you can't just go in someone's yard"
Raegan: "Yeah, really? Why not?"
Me: "The people who live here, I'm sure they don't want some teens running across there yard."
Raegan: "I'm sure my dad won't mind me being in his yard."
Me: "Oh"
Reagan: "Here come on you can meet him"
Reagan grabs my hand bringing me to his patio door going inside.
Me: "Oh I don't- we don't have to"
Raegan: "Come on it will be fine"
Before I could say anything else we were already in his house.
R Dad: "Hey Reagan, back alread- Oh, Who's this?"
Raegan: " Dad, Justin, Justin, Dad."
Me: "Nice to meet you"
R Dad: " Nice to meet you to Justin."
Raegan: "We were just ganna go up to my room"
R Dad: "Okay cool"
Raegan's dad walks out of the room, and Raegan shows me to his room.
Me: "Nice room. So is this where you wanted to bring me."
Reagan: " This is just a pit stop"
Me: "Oh"
Raegan starts to go through some stuff in one of his dresser drawers, I walk over to his bed and sit down.
Me: "What are you looking for."
Raegan: "Just- nothing, its nothing"
Me: "Oh.. Okay"
I lays down on his bed.
Reagan: "Tired?"
Me: "Yeah a little, didn't get that well of sleep."
Raegan: "You looked sound asleep"
Me: "Yeah I bet you have the pictures to prove it"
Raegan giggled.
Raegan: "Yeah I do"
Raegan came and laid down next to me.
Raegan: "Your going to fall asleep aren't you?"
Me: "No I'm just resting my eyes"
Reagan: "Yeah okay"
A couple minutes went by, both of us laying on his bed, me with my eyes closed, him next to me, one hand holding his phone, the other on my back. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.
I open my eyes, and I have to take a minute to remember where I am, oh right Raegan's house, in Raegan's bed, laying on top of him. His is kind of nice, this is a weird relationship we have. I look up.
Me: "Hey"
Reagan: "Well its about time"
Me: "What do u mean"
Raegan: "You slept for a million hours"
I sit up and look for my phone.
Me: "What time is it?"
Raegan: " 8:38"
Me: "Pm?!?"
Raegan: "Yep"
Me: "You could have woke me up."
Raegan: "No, your cute when you sleep"
Me: "oh.. thanks."
It just then Raegan's brother walked into the room.
RB: "Oooo, who's this?"
Raegan: "This is Justin"
RB: "Oh this is Justin, Raegan talks about you a-lot!"
Raegan: "Dude!"
RB: "All right I'm going, I'm going, nice meeting you Justin."
Me: "Nice meeting you too"
His brother walks out of the room.
Me: "So you talk about me a lot"
Raegan: "Maybe.... here come on I want to show you something."
Me: "okay"
Raegan walks out of his bed room, walking outside.
Me: "Where are we going?"
Raegan: "You'll see."

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now