The Fun

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I'm sitting in the cart, Raegan pushing it from behind. He started pushing the cart faster and faster.
Me: "Woah,"
I said laughing as we quickly turn the corner. We go down the next isle, then, as we went to turn, we see another cart about to turn into the same isle as us. Raegan quickly pulls the cart over, as he starts looking at the food, I grab a cab from the shelf and pretend I was reading it.
Me: "What now?"
I whispered to Raegan.
Raegan: "Keep reading your can son"
I looked at Raegan crazy, son"
The lady that was walking last us was very, old, like she might die any minute old. She had short gray hair, and glasses.
Lady: "Is that your son"
Raegan: "Oh um, yes"
Lady: "Cute boy"
The lady said continuing walking.
Once she leaves the isle I put the van back on the shelf and look at Raegan.
Me: "I'm your son?"
Then I started laughing.
Raegan: "Damn she must've been really old"
Raegan started pushing the cart around the corner, going slower this time. He was in a more open area, and was looking at me when pushing the cart.
Me: "So am I fun yet?"
Raegan: "What do you mean"
Me: "Well you said all that, "do you ever do anything fun", so am I fun yet?"
Raegan: "You're were never not fun, you think I'd date, a boring person."
Me: "So if I were boring you'd still not date me?"
Raegan: "I probably still would, there's a lot of great factors to dating you?"
Me: "Yeah like what?"
Raegan, still pushing the cart, leans closer to me.
Raegan: "Like your kisses."
It was just then Raegan started kissing me.
It was a great moment, until he ran into a giant display of soup cans.
You know how they will stack up items to make it look nicer? Well that's what he ran into, and it vein cans made a very loud noise.
I get out of the cart, and follow Raegan, he's trying to find the nearest exit. Finally he finds one, and we're both outside before anyone saw us. We both start laughing.
Me: "You don't fee a big bad about leaving the place a mess"
Raegan: " A little, but did you wanna get caught?"
Me: "No I guess not."
Me and Raegan start walking back to the car, standing next to each other. I grab his hand, holding it, as we walk.
Then before we get to the car, I stop him, and look at him, he looks at me back.
Raegan: "Why are you looking at me like that?"
I look at him some more, and smile.
Me: "Because I love you."
Raegan just looks at me, smiled, but then let go of my hand. Instead putting his arm over me, and we continue walking back to the car.
We get back to the car. Me in the drivers seat, Raegan in the passengers seat. I haven't started the car yet.
Me: "I guess that was pretty fun, uh?"
Raegan: "Yes it was."
Me: "So what now?"
Raegan: "I don't know, I'm pretty tired,"
Me: "Yeah, me too."
Raegan: "Wanna come over?"
Me: "Yeah, sure"
I start the car, and I began driving to Raegan's house.
When we get there and walk in the house, the only other person home is Raegan's brother.
Chase: "Hey, your home late."
Raegan: "Yeah sorry."
Chase gets up from the couch and walks over to us.
Chase: "Oh and you brought your little boyfriend, sup Justin's?"
Me: "Hey, nothing much"
Raegan: "Yeah... So where's dad"
Chase: "Aunt Gingers"
Raegan: "Ahh, okay... Well we're going to be in my room, if you wanna come hang out or something."
Chase: "Yeah maybe later"
Raegan: "Alright.."
Raegan grabs my hand leading me to his room.
Once we're in there Raegan grabs some clothes out of his closet and goes to take a shower.
I sit on his bed, on my phone waiting. While I was at it I shot my dad a text.
*Hey dad, staying at Raegan's tonight, be home tomorrow*
Dad: *Okay, have fun, see you tomorrow*
I was wearing sweat pants already, and a t-shirt. His house however, a bit cold. So I kind of did what I wanted.
I stood up and walked over to his closet. He had many hoodies, I pulled out this all black one, put it on, then went back to his bed, and laid down.

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