The News

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Dad: "Justin, can you come sit down"
Me: "No what's going on?"
Isabel: "Its not fair, Mikey just asked me to be his girlfriend, and now we're moving away?!"
I had to re-take what she just said.
Me: "Wait a minute"
Dad: "Justin"
Me: "What do you mean, moving!?"
Isabel ran out of the room, running up stairs, then I hear her door slam.
Me: "Someone tell me what's going on"
Dad: "Justin, I got offered another job, back in Minnesota"
Me: "Okay, well you already have a job here, that's why we moved"
Dad: "Yeah, well this job offers way more money, and they even have a job for Lena.
Me: "So your telling me we're moving"
My dad stayed quiet for a minute, then looked sad.
Dad: "Justin, I'm sorry-"
Me: "No, no. We can't move, I have so much good going on in my life now"
Dad: "I understand that Justin, but I have to take this, I'm sorry"
Me: "Thad not fair!"
I say, at his point I have tears in my eyes, I run out of the room.
Dad: "Justin-"
I ignored him, I went upstairs slamming my door, then laid on my bed, my head in my pillow, letting out tears, lots of tears.
This can't actually be happening, I found someone that I love, friends, everything. And now I have to give it all up? Why? Why me?
I've been sitting in my room for a couple hours, I haven't even lifted up my head, my pillow was wet from all my tears.
*Knock* *Knock*
Me: "Go away"
Dad: "Justin please, can I come in?"
I sit up, wiping away my tears.
Me: "Fine"
My dad opens the door, coming in.
Dad: "Justin, I'm so sorry"
Me: "If you were sorry you wouldn't make us move"
Dad: "Come on Justin, when you found out we had to move here, you weren't happy at all"
Me: "That's until I met Raegan, and made tons of friends"
Dad: "Well now you can go back with your old friends"
Me: "I don't want my old friends"
Dad: "Well I don't know what else to tell you then Justin"
I let out a sigh.
Me: "When do we have to leave"
Dad: "Next week, Wednesday"
Me: "Ugg!"
I say slapping my face back in my pillow.
Me: "Can you just go"
Dad: "Oh, yeah.."
I heard my door shut, then I lifted my hard back up. More tears rolling down my face. I look around my room, I grab my phone, and put some shoes on. I ended up sneaking out my window, I walk over to Raegan's.
I didn't tell anyone where I was going, didn't care at this point.
I get to his house, knocking on the door. With every knock I knocked, a tear came out of my eyes. He opened the door.
Raegan: "Justin?"
Me: "Raegan"
I say back to him, then next thing I know my arms are around him, hugging him tightly.
Raegan: "Justin, what's wrong"
I didn't answer. That when I just felt him hug me.
We both stand there for a bit, until I let go of the hug.
Me: "Were moving"
Raegan: "Wait, what?"
Me: "My Dad and Lena got a job back in Minnesota"
Raegan: "Really...."
I wipe away my tears from my eyes.
Me: "Yeah"
I could tell a whole bunch of stuff was going through his head right now.
Raegan: "Here, come in"
We both walk in the house and go up to his room, when we get there I sit on his bed.
Raegan: "So your just going to pack up and move away?"
Me: "Well I don't really have a choice"
I didn't know for sure, but I thought I saw Raegan start to tear up.
Raegan: "What about us? We not going to break-"
Me: "No Raegan, I still want to be with you, well just have to make distance work."
Raegan: "That's not going to be fun at all" Raegan says sitting down next to me.
Me: "I know."
Raegan: "So what now?"
Me: "To be honest, I really don't know"
Raegan: "What about Isabel?"
Me: "Oh trust me, she's not happy either"
Raegan laid back, laying down on the bed. I laid down next to him.
Me: "Hey, we'll make this work, it's my last year of high school, and I turn 18. I can always move back down here"
Raegan tunes over looking at me.
Raegan: "That's going to take forever"
Me: "I know, but it's all we really have"
Raegan let's out a sigh, and rubs his eyes.
Raegan: "When do you leave?"
Me: "Next week"
After that he didn't say anything else, and neither did I. I just came close next to him, and he had his arm around me, and we just laid there.
Raegan: "Wanna stay the night"
Me: "Yeah.."
After that we went back to not saying anything, and before long we both fell asleep.
When I woke up I was laying on Raegan's chest, he was already awake, on his phone.
Raegan: "Morning"
Me: "Morning"
I say with a smile looking at him, he leans over and kisses me. I sit up and look for me phone, I grabbed it off the side table, dead. Reagan: "The chargers right there"
Me: "It's okay, I think I'm going to head home"
Raegan: "Oh, already?"
Me: "I'll come back, i didn't really talk to them after they told me the news. You know I think I should."
Raegan: "Yeah, that's not a bad idea."
I slip my shoes on, putting my phone in my pocket.
Me: "Bye"
I said, leaning over kissing Raegan then walking out of his room.
Raegan: "Bye, love you"
Me: "Love you too"
I start walking home, since I didn't take my car. I walk up the drive way and into the house. When I get in my dads sitting on the couch, looking a bit mad.
Dad: "Where have you been?"

A Boy Named RaeWhere stories live. Discover now