D a y d r e a m i n g

390 14 5


Eddie's POV

We were walking in the park, it was a cold Saturday afternoon. There was no Losers Club, just me and Richie, alone.

I felt different when he was close, like, nervous, but, not in a bad way, I felt confused also.

Am I gay? I think that maybe I have feelings for him. I like him, but, more than a friend.

I really want to tell him, but I don't know how he will react to it. Maybe he just pretend is everything okay and go away, or he'll just think I'm a weirdo... God, I'm really nervous...

We stopped to sit on a bench, I sat down and Richie sat next to me, I kind of felt he was trying to get close to me, but it may just be my impression.

"It's a good day, isn't it?" He asked, looking at the sky.

I didn't answered, suddenly I was day dreaming of us, getting married.

"Eddie?" He said, elbowing me.

"Huh? W-what?"

"Day dreaming again?"

"Nuh-no... I was j-just looking at thu-the view..."

"It's okay if you were day dreaming. Sometimes that happens to me too..."
He said, but I couldn't listen what he was saying after this.

Why? Because I was hypnotized, how can he be so handsome? God, I just wanted to kiss him, I love him.

"Eddie." He said.

"Wha...what?" I said, snapping back to reality.

"Eds, what's happening? You've been very "disconnected from the real world", if you understand me." He said, fixing the glasses on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm just... having a lot of thoughts in my m-mind..." I said, mumbling.

"Eddie, I'm worried... Do you want to tell me something." He said, maybe he figured out what's happening.

"I... I can't..." I said, holding back the tears.

"Yes, you can, Eds. Tell me..." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I started looking for the inhaler, panicked.


"I'm sorry, Richie... But I can't... It'll ruin our friendship."

"Eds, I'm your best friend, just tell me what's on your mind, if it's a secret, it will be safe with me, that's what friends are for."

"I... I like... I like y-you." I said, wiping out the tears.

"What do you mean? You... You are gay?"

I just nodded crying, not being able to say a word.

"Aww... That's okay... I knew it." He said, pulling me to a hug.

"H-how?" I mumbled.

"You always act strange when you're talking with me. I just guessed you were, now I can see it's true." He said, stroking my hair, calming me down.

"I didn't know how to react..."

"That's okay, Eds. You wanna know something?" He said, lifting my head.


He leaned in and kissed me.

"I love you..."

R+E - Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now