Videogames - IV

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Eddie was very good at the game, it was his one of his favorites, not only because of the visuals, but also the story, the metaphor for friendship, hope. Something about it could trigger Eddie, not in a bad way, he only had good feelings about the game, it hypnotized him.

"Is everything okay there, Eddie??" Richie shouted from the kitchen.


Richie came back with some nachos 'n' cheese and two large cups, one with coke and another one with orange juice.

"I see you're having fun." Richie smiled.

"Yeah." Eddie smiled back. "I think this is the fourth time I start the story mode of this one."

"I played it a lot of times." Richie said. "Hey, uh... I brought you some juice instead of coke, it's orange."

"Aw Richie... thank you." Eddie paused the game and grabbed the juice Richie handed him. "Will you need any help? Is there anything I can do?"

"No, no, it's okay..." Richie said, returning to the kitchen and coming back with a popcorn bowl. "Aaand it's done with the snacks." Said Richie, laying the popcorn on the coffee table and sitting on the couch.

"The juice tastes sooo good, Richie thank yooou..." Eddie said, getting closer to Richie.

Richie gulped and started fiddling with his fingers. He picked one nacho, ran it in the cheese pate and ate it.

"Ooh! oh! turn right, turn right, there's a hidden treasure there!"

"Really???" Eddie did as he was told and pushed the game button, revealing a hidden door, and in the room, the golden chest.

Eddie widened his eyes and had his jaw on the floor.

"How in the worl-" Eddie awed. "Whaaat?"

"I discovered this by randomly walking around this area."

"I've played this a lot of times, how didn't I notice thiiiis..." Eddie playfully whined.

"Aw it's okay, bab- dude... " Richie gulped as he almost said "babe" to Eddie.

Eddie turned to Richie and smiled, he grabbed the orange juice glass and took a long sip of it. Little did Richie knew, but Eddie heard Tozier almost calling him "babe". After taking a sip of the juice, he had an idea.

Should he take an advantage? Should he take the first step? Should he advance to the next stage of relationship?

"Whatever." Eddie said to himself. "We only got one life."

"That's okay, babe." Eddie answered.

Richie blushed and looked at Eddie.

"Did you just... did you-"

"... yes." said Eddie, with his eyes fixed on the game.

Richie gulped, there were butterflies on his stomach, should he ask it? Should he continue to advance what Eddie has started?

"Eddie... uh..."

"Yes, Richie?"

"I... I need to talk to you. Can you pause the game for a minute?"


Eddie paused it and looked at Richie. "what is it, Chee?"

Richie looked down and Eddie frowned. "Rich, are you okay?"

"Sure, I just... wanted to know something."

Eddie foolishly smiled and put his hand on Richie's cheek.

"Me too..."

Then, Kaspbrak slowly approached Richie, closed his eyes, although he was scared, he gave him a slow peck on his lips. But Richie didn't avoid it, he kissed back.

They looked at each other again, chuckled and hugged.

"I knew it." Said Richie.

"Yeah, I mean, I thought the 'babe' thing was enough for you to catch it." Eddie grinned.

Richie looked at him and ran his hand through his face. "I love you Eds."

"I love you too, Chee..." Eddie said.

"Keep playing here, okay? I'll make your bed." Said Richie, kissing Eddie's cheek and getting up.

"Okay, babe." Eddie smiled again.

He was proud, as was Richie.

The step of their relationship has evolved, from best friends to boyfriends (?)

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