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Beverly's POV

"Bevvie... do you... do you think the others will..."

"I'm sure they will, Eddie." I said, ruffling his hair. "Why wouldn't they?"

Eddie looked down, smiled and nodded. He searched for my eyes again and continued "... What about... what about Richie?"

"What do you mean Richie?" I eyed him quizzically.

He blushed and playfully interwined his fingers.

"Hmmm...." I smirked. "I knew it, I knew it."

"I mean, he likes me now, but what if he doesn't like me after I... you know..."

"Don't worry about this, honey, all I need to ask is... is this really what you want?"

He glanced at me and nodded, I could see the confidence in his eyes, he was so into it, what a determined person he is.

"Of course." He said firmly.

I shrugged and patted his shoulder "See? First, your mom is aware about it AND she is willing to accept it, second, you decide what's the best for you, and this, according to you, it's the best for you... so go for it. The Losers? We will be with you 'till the end of the line."

His smile increased as tears streamed down of his face. "Thank you, Bevvie."

"I guess that's what friends are for. So..." I stated as I looked at him. "Will you... need any help?"

"No... I... I think I can do this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." He said.

"Okay, sweetie." I said, wiping his tears off. "Then you can do it."

Later that day

Eddie's POV

"And that's why I think Coke is better than Pepsi..." Mike said.

"Are you serious?" Richie stated, offended.

"You bet I am."


Mike nodded as he took a sip of Coke.

"Dude, Michael Jackson was in a Pepsi ad. Pepsi is way better."

"Yeah, but things happened, and Pepsi paid him due to the bad things that had happened to Michael." Mike said.

"Hm... yeah, you've got a point."

"Are you still on this?" Ben asked from the hammock, yawning.

Stan was next to him, not really into the discussion, he was reading a comicbook.

"Stan, hey..." Richie said as he kept poking Stanley "Stan the Man, what do you-"

"Both gives you cancer and makes you die faster." He stated, and everyone looked at him. Stan, still holding his comic book, looked back at everyone.

"Oh shit, did I say this out loud?"

Richie slowly stepped back, but seconds later we all burst into laughter. Shortly after, Beverly elbowed me and whispered "are you okay?"

I nodded in response. "Yeah" I mumbled.

That afternoon was amazing, we joked, talked, laughed and had so much fun. However I didn't get the chance to say anything I wanted to.

The truth is... I think I have feelings not only for boys, but also for girls, and this really confuses me, but at the same time it doesn't because... ah shit... I don't know.

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