L o v e l e t t e r s

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A/N:  This is not a poem in the letter, it's a part of a song by a brazilian singer Roberto Carlos, he's very famous here, the song is called "Sereia".

Richie's POV

I went to my locker when I saw a letter written "To: Richie"

I frowned and opened it.

"I want to look in your eyes
Without doubting what I do
I want to kiss your mouth
And hold you in my arms


I want to be with you
And I don't care what's right
Because even sometimes distant
I feel even closer
At night, I dream sleeping
In daytime I dream awake
That one day, every day
I'll be by your side


I love you, Richie. I'm sorry for sending you letters (it may seems creepy af), this will be the last one... Meet me at the parking lot after school. Xoxo"

"Oooh... L-l-looks like sssomeone l-oves you..." Bill said.

"Meh... Must be a prank."

"I-if you ssssay s-so."

I scratched the paper and threw it in the trash, but I was curious. Was it true?

We came in the math class, after almost an hour of boring numbers, we got out. It was our last class, so, I headed to the parking lot.

"Hey, Ruh-Richie!" Bill said.

"I'll talk to you later, I need to see if it's true. If I really have a secret admirer."


I arrived at the parking lot, and there was...

Eddie Kaspbrack?

He had a crush on me?


"Y-yuh.... yes" he mumbled.

"Is... Is it you?"

"Yes..." He said, approaching me.

"Uh... Don't do this again, okay? My locker is full of these things."

"I'm... I'm sorry..." Eddie said, looking down with tears in his eyes.

I smiled and hugged him. "I'm kidding, spaghetti boy." I said, ruffling his hair. "I loved your calligraphy..." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Th-thank you, ruh....Richie."

"Heey... No need to be nervous... Look, I'm here, hugging you and..." I said, leaning on him and kissing him "kissing you."

I could see his sad face going away.

"Yes, babyboy... I'm your new boyfriend."

He squealed and hugged me tightly.

"I love you, spaghetti boy..."

"I-I love you too, Richie..."

And it was true, I actually had a secret admirer.

It was my husband Edward Tozier, who I like to call "my love" since our first date.

And that's How I Met Your Father...

A/N: I don't watch the show. This just came in my mind while I was writing.

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