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Richie's POV

4:00 AM. And I was arriving from work. Yes, you didn't read it wrong.

That goddamn traffic, everyday... Unfortunately it's a routine. Ugh... I hate my routine.

I wish I were rich, there was no need to work and get home late, no traffic, no stupid boss yelling at you for no reason...

I. HATE. it!

And everytime I got home I felt a very bad headache, like my brain would blow up. God, this is so bad! I hate it! I hate my stupid life and routine!

I opened the door, just threw my keys on the table and sat on the couch.

I heard footsteps, it was coming closer.

Suddenly, the footsteps stopped and all I could feel was a hug. I opened my eyes and there was him... Eddie.

Oh, that hug just saved me. Eddie can save me from a bad day just with his smile. I just love him so much, I tell him everyday, and when I do, it seems like it's not enough.

He always care about me, can you believe he woke up at 4:00 A.M just to give me a tight hug? Heh... Me neither. But that didn't matter.

I took a deep breath and held him.

"Bad day, honey?" He mumbled with a sleepy voice.

"Yes, but it's over... thank you. I love you."

He smiled and kissed my lips. "I love you too, Tozier."

And that bad mood just disappeared... Because of Eddie.

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