Happy Family

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"Hey pa..." a childish voice echoed in my mind. "wake up, daddy."

The voice touched me and began to shake me slowly, then I realized it was my son, Timmy, trying to wake me up.

"Dad, come ooon." He whined shaking me faster. "daddy Eddie made breakfast"

I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed them, yawning. I lifted my head and looked at Timmy beside me.

I gave a comforting smile and picked him up.

"Good morning Daddy Richie." he said, smiling.

Timmy took the glasses from the bedside table and awkwardly put them on my face.

I chuckled and adjusted them. "Good morning son."

"Come on, you know Daddy Eddie gets annoyed when you eat breakfast late." He said.

I smiled again, put him down and ruffled his hair.

"Come on," I said, taking his hand and leaving the room.

We went down the stairs, Timmy one step at a time, and I holding his hand and following his steps so he wouldn't fall down the stairs.

"You're doing great, Timmy."

He smiled proudly and looked at me. "Make the voice, daddy."

I smiled and grimaced, mimicking a noble important man. "Well, it looks like the young guy here is getting the Best Stairs Descender Award." I said, with a British accent.

He laughed, and we finally got to the first floor.

"What are you laughing at?" Eddie said coming to us, drying his hands with a dish towel.

I glanced at him, and... God... it was just like I saw him the very first time, it's been always like this every time I look at him. His dark, beautiful hair, his angelical face, his chocolate brown eyes. I love him so much, I think he knows it.

"Richie." He said, snapping me back to reality.

He came closer and pulled me to a hug and kissed me. "Good morning, honey." He mumbled between kisses.

"Good morning."

"Timmy!" Lena said, running to him from the kitchen. "I-I ssee y-you muh-managed to wake u-up daddy." She said, smiling. "Guh-guh-good morning, dad-dy."

"Good morning, Lena." I said, standing on my knees and hugging her.

"C-come on, d-daddy, l-let's eat!" She said, running back to the kitchen, Timmy followed her.

Eddie glanced at them and smiled goofily. "Living the dream, aren't we?"

I looked at him, his eyes were covered in tears, he wiped them out and looked at me.

I smiled and giggled. "Yeah... you wanna know something?"

"Hm..." he hummed, hugging me and snuggling on my chest.

"I'm so lucky to have you, to have this family."

"Me too, Chee... I love you."

"I love you too, Eds."

He rolled his eyes and gently pushed me. "Goof."

Our attention turned to a noise...

A phone ringing noise.

Lexi Rabe as Lena
Cade Woodward as Timmy

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