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"I just can't decide..." said the jewish boy Uris.

"I think all of them are great." Hanscom boy said.

"I agree with Ben." Said Mike Hanlon

"I know. And that's the exact reason I can't go with just one."

Beverly opened the door, with two bowls of popcorn, all of the Losers looked at her, eating from one of the bowls.

"... what?" She said, entering the room and putting the popcorn bowls on the floor. "So uh... you guys didn't make into an agreement yet?"

"Nope..." said Ben. "Stanley is pissed because he can't decide which of the movies he'll put to play."

"I see... need help, Stan?"

"Which one?" Stan said, showing both DVD cases. "Scream? Nightmare on Elm Street? And... and this one here... wait..."

Stanley looked for the other DVD, and grabbed it.

"Uuhh... The Avengers" he read its title and showed the case to everyone.

"Which one of them?" Ben asked.

"It's the first one."

"I'm w-with the last option" said the stuttering boy, Denbrough.

"Hey guys." said Eddie opening the door.

"Oh hey Eddie." Said Bev.

"Hi, Kaspbrak" said Bill.

"Hey." Said Hanscom.

"Hi, Eddie." Said Mike.

"Eddie." said Stanley "which one of them?"

Eddie scratched his chin. "Hm... Avengers."

"See?" said Beverly "wasn't that hard."

"Yeah yeah, haa haa..." Stanley said.

Eddie's cellphone ringed, he grabbed and unblocked it. It was a message from Richie, he sent a photo with "on my way" written as a caption. Eddie smiled. "I knew it." he thought.

A few minutes later, everyone was being ready to watch the movie.

"Hey E-eddie... is Richie o-okay?"

"No, he looks very upset, I think I know why. I told him to come here to distract his mind."

"Hey guys" said Tozier, entering the room.

He entered, and sat next to Eddie, smiling.

"What happened?"

"... nothing, it's nothing..." he said.

Richie got a little bit closer to Eddie and whispered "I need to talk to you..."

Eddie looked at him, frowned and looked back at the TV.

"Alright guys, be ready to... Assemble... or... whatever."

"That was... terrible" Mike said.

"I know. Sorry."

Stanley pressed play, and the movie begun.

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