Courage ( EP4 - The Summer Just Begun)

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"The Barrens!" Ben said. "He went to the Barrens!"

Without even hesitating, Richie ran upstairs and grabbed his bike. Bill and Ben couldn't even see Richie doing it, by the time they were grabbing the bike, he was already out.

Richie, with the wind blowing his face and tears coming out of his eyes and flying with the force of speed, rushed to the Barrens entrance. He got Eddie's inhaler, and ran into the forest.

"EDDIE!" He screamed, desperately.

If something bad happens to Eddie, Richie will never forgive himself. At least he wanted to see him alive, at any case they could go to the hospital, and Richie wouldn't hesitate to be with him.

"EDDIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!" He screamed. "Please, answer me, Eds, please answer me..."

"HEY EEEEDS!" Ben screamed, who has just arrived with Bill.

"K-KASPBRAAAK!" Bill screamed, trying not to stutter that much.


Some noises were heard through the forest, it seemed to be screams, but he was too weak to assimilate that, the technique of deep breathing wasn't working, and he was hungry, Eddie was hungry. He joined his strength to scream, but only a failed voice was heard.

He tried again, only a weak "I'm here..."

Then, he reminded of something, he had his cellphone on his pocket. With a lot of difficulty, he grabbed it, turned up the volume to the limit, and started playing random songs. He gave a weak smile, and closed his eyes, singing along.


After walking for ten minutes, they hear something.

"What's that?" Ben said, tired.

"Some strange noises, coming from that direction. " Richie said, pointing to the right.

"I-i'll check it out." Bill said, climbing the small mountain and heading to the direction Richie pointed.

"You think it's a good idea?" Richie said, a little bit louder.

"Well, n-not that much... B-but I think iiiit's Eddie, at least I'm being p-positive."

Bill walked until the noises became synchronized and formed a beat, it was a... song?

"It's music, guys." Bill said, paying attention to what song was. "Wait a... I think I k-know this sssong."

"IIII-I-IIII-III I (clap clap) I'M HOOKED ON A FEELING..." Song.


Richie ran towards the sound at the moment he heard "Eddie" coming out from the mouth of Bill.

He ran so fast, even the Flash couldn't beat him.

The song was getting louder, and louder. Until Richie saw a hand close to a cellphone, playing the exact same song.

It was Eddie, looked like he was sleeping, well, Richie was hoping he was.

"H-HE'S HERE! EDDIE'S HERE!" Richie screamed. And Eddie's weak eyes were slowly opening, looking for air.

Richie quickly grabbed the inhaler, Richie lifted Eddie and put it on his mouth, making him breathe again. Eddie's eyes widened, letting oxygen into his lungs, making them work again.

Richie, still with the inhaler on Eddie's mouth, looked at him as he recovered his health. Eddie looked back at him, putting his hand on Richie's hand which was holding the inhaler, and moved away from his mouth. He sat down, leaning his back against the trunk of the tree, and hugged his knees.

"I'm sorry..." He said, softly.

"For what?" Richie asked, relieved.

"For worrying you... I didn't want to-"

"Shhh, hey..." Richie sat down and got closer to Eddie. "You don't need to be sorry, it's okay, thank God you're okay..."

"It's just... I'm confused. I think I did something very wrong, and I can't carry it, but at the same time I can't hide it forever."

Richie's eyes were full of tears. "I did not want to get you into this too, actually, it's MY fault."

Eddie looked at Richie, with his soft face full of dirt and dust. Richie cleaned it, stroking his face.

"No matter what other people say..." Richie said, approaching Eddie. "... You are perfect for someone in special, remember that. I admire your courage to come and invite a date from the same sex, coming from that school, it's something not that tolerable."

Eddie smiled. "Thank you." He murmured.

"I love you, Eddie, I don't know if I said this before or you know this, but I love you. I don't know what makes me feel likes this, if it's your smile, your intelligence, your hair... I don't know... But I love it... Every single thing in you."

Eddie cried and hugged Richie tight. "I love you too... I love you so much."

Richie kissed Eddie's cheek, and looked at the sky, relieved.

Bill and Ben arrived. "OOF!" Ben said. "I'm gonna need a biiig fuckin' galon of water..."

Bill turned to Ben, smiling, and said "It's like you could drink the whole Water Tower."

"You're goddamn right!"

Eddie looked at his friends, got up, and hugged them. "You stupid morons! I love you all!"

"The hell is happening?" A curly haired boy arrived, with a redheaded girl.

"Uuuhh... Nuh-nothing... Ssstan... N-nothing... " Bill said, with a red face. Ben elbowed him, and Bill elbowed back, looking at Beverly, the redheaded girl.

"What happened, Ben? You look tired." Bev said.

"J-jogging... I've been doing a loooot of Jogging this summer."

"Ben, the summer just begun..."

Ben, tired, nodded and looked at Eddie and Richie holding each other's hands. "You're right, Bevvie, the summer just begun..."

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