Secretly in Love - Part One

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How should I start... Uh... "Is this thing on?" No, no, nuh-uh, what a cliché...



Hi... No... Ah whatever...

Hello there, my name's Edward Kaspbrak, I'm sixteen years old and I... shit, what do I like doing? Lemme see here, oh yeah, I like reading, playing games, hanging out with my Club, and I like Richie. NO! NO! STOP RECORDING... ah shit.

Yeah... I have this... secret. I don't like girls, I mean, I like them but, well, you know.

I had to let it go somehow, but I didn't know exactly how... until I had this idea, recording some audios throughout the days.

Sometimes I think I need a psychologist, not I'm ill because I'm... gay, no... It's because I have a lot of things going on in my mind, and I need to talk to somebody about it.

My crush on Richie.
Have I said school yet?

It just confuses me, and I keep having headaches all day, not only that, but also my gorgeous asthma attacks...

That's another thing about me, I am a germophobe... Well, it's better than being a homophobe. Anyway, I just can't stand germs, I'm mentally allergic to them. People say I'm perfectionist, but I'm not, I am G E R M O P H O B E  and it's way different.

Where was I? Oh yeah... Richie.

He's just... an angel.

I... shit, I don't know how to say this, but I'll make it short.... I love him. I love Richard Tozier. And I'm the only person who knows about it.

End of the recording.


*Mumbling* You did it, Eddie!

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