E m e r g e n c y T r i p : D e s p a i r

137 7 1

(if the music ends before the chapter does, you can play it again.)

(Right before when Eddie woke up)

What's happening?

Where am I?

"Not that much... Just a coffee, please." a voice echoes.

Richie, is that you?

I can hear someone talking to you, but I don't know who it is.

"Thank you." It echoes again.

Richie, can you hear me? It's dark here, where are you?... Where am I?

(Everything is happening in slow motion)

This smell... So clean. But it's strange, why can't I feel my voice going out? Why can't I feel my body?

I want to say I'm here, but it feels like I am stuck. I hate this agony!

(A light slowly rises)

No... no... no, no, no, no. Don't tell me I'm... dead.

My head, argh...

(The reason Eddie was there starts to show, Eddie falling, from a high place, seemed to be about 4 meters, Richie is looking at him falling, he's screaming, crying, trying to catch him. And then, Eddie hits the floor, the light fades away.)

-Narrator's POV-

Eddie's eyes tremble, and they force to open, slowly.

His vision loses the blur, and he sees Richie, shocked, holding a cup of coffee, And at his side, there's the nurse, already heading for the door.

"e... E-eddie?" He says.

Eddie stammered, maybe it was just sleep or he tried to say something that turned out to be incomprehensible.

Richie quickly got closer to Eddie, smiling.

"Hey... It's okay, I'm here. They'll help you."

Eddie's head slowly turns to Richie, and he smiles, with all his strength.

Eddie's reason for reacting like this is not known yet. Perhaps the doctor, who was already at the door, along with the nurse who had left, could explain better.

"Ah hello, Mr..." He said, checking his file. "Kas... Kaspbrak. I'm Dr. James, the responsible for your temporary stay here."

Eddie slowly nods.

"I have some... news... But I think it would be better if Mr. Tozier tell you... Can you come here, mister?" He said to Richie.

Richie looked at Eddie and at the doctor. "Uh... Okay."

The doctor and Richie gets out of the room, and by the window, Eddie could see them talking, especially Richie, focusing on his reactions.

He saw the doctor putting his hand on Richie's shoulder and Richie shocked, taking deep breaths. The doctor leaves the hall, and Richie returns to the room.

He looks at Eddie, trying to be positive, get closer to him. Eddie's sight were following him all this time.

Richie sat down on the chair, looks at him, grabs his hand and strokes his hair.

"He said... He said you have..." he says, hesitating to cry "you have... amyotrophic... lateral sclerosis... When you fell, you hit the head..." He puts his hands on his face. "Damn it..." He says, crying.

Eddie watches that scene, trembling, with tears coming out of his face.

"Don't cry... I hate to see you crying..." He says on his thoughts. "We can get through this... Just don't give up on me... I love you."

Richie cleans his face, and looks at Eddie.

"Aw..." He cleans Eddie's face. "Don't cry... I love you, I'll be here for you... forever."

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