B e P r e p a r e d

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Richie: Hey, Ed 👋

Eddie: Hi, Rich... 😊❤

Richie: May I tell you something?

Eddie: yes, sure. What is it?

Richie: um....

Richie: I know that your powers of retention...

Eddie: what?

Richie: Are as wet as a warthog's backside...

Eddie: Richie, wtf r you talking about?

Richie: But thick as you are, pay attention, my words are a matter of pride...

Eddie: okay, whatever, I'm "listening".

Richie: It's clear from your vavant expressions... The lights are not all on upstairs...

Eddie: stop with this, Richie... And tell me what's going on...

Richie: SHH! But we're talking kings and successions, even you can't be caught unawares...

Richie: So prepare for a chance of a lifetime

Richie: Be prepared for sensational news...

Eddie: oh wait a minute...

Eddie: Ah, Richie... Really?

Eddie: Are you sending me the lyrics of a song from the Lion King?

Eddie: It's almost 2 a.m.

Eddie: I thought something important happened.

Richie: 😂

Eddie: that wasn't funny, Richie, not funny at all... 😡

~2 minutes later~

Richie: Eds?

Richie: Eddie, c'mon...

Richie: oh... K then..

*You have been blocked*

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