P r a n k s

327 11 2

Sorry for the slow updates, I'm writing a RPG chapter.

And thanks for 2k! Holy-

"Is that good for you?" The barber said.

"Yes, it's perfect, thank you!" Eddie said.

"You're welcome, come back anytime!"

Eddie looked at the barber, took a deep breath, and left.

"This will be good. " Eddie said.

Eddie went to a barbershop while Richie was sleeping, he wanted to prank him, and he had the perfect idea.

Eddie arrived home and slowly opened the front door.

"Rich?" He asked.


He was still sleeping.

"Perfect." He mumbled.

Eddie put the keys on the table quietly and walked slowly to the mirror, to see if it was all right, if he needed a few finishing touches.

"Okay... Here we go." Eddie said, heading to the bedroom.

He entered the room and Richie was snoring, sign that sleep was good, Richie always had a deep sleep.

"Hey, love." Eddie said, gently shaking him. "Richie..."


"Rich... Wake up, c'mon."

"Ah... Just five more minutes, mom..."

"What the... Richie, it's me, Eddie." He said, shaking Richie.

"Huh? Oh... Hey, Eds..." Richie said, scratching his eyes and yawning. When he looked at Eddie he frowned.

"How did your hair grow so fast?"

"Fast?! You've been sleeping for two years, Richie! Finally you're awake!"

"Two... Two years?!"

"Yes! We tried to wake you up but you couldn't, we screamed your name and you didn't listen."

"Oh my... How?"

"I don't know, I wish I could."

"Oh God... O-oh God! I spent two years of my life sleeping! Holy... shit!"

"At least you're awake now... Thank God, Richie... Heaven knows I tried to wake you up..."

"I-I'm sorry, Eddie, I-" Richie said, realizing that Eddie was holding back the laughter. "Oh, didn't you..."

"HAHAAA!! You should have seen your face!"

"C'mon, that wasn't funny, Eds."

"Aw... You look so cute when you're mad..." Eddie said, resting his head on Richie's chest.

"You'll see, Eds. Your turn will come." Richie said, smiling.

"You wouldn't do that ... I know you well."

"Yeah, you're right... You're too small, and cute, I can not. "

"Stop it." Eddie said, gently punching Richie's chest.

Richie laughed and said "I love you, Eds."

"Me too, Richie." Eddie said, almost sleeping. "Me too..."

R+E - Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now