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Derry, 1994

Eddie, Richie and Mike were hanging out in the Kaspbrak's backyard, they were laying on the grass, looking at the sky, watching as the clouds slowly slid through the giant light blue landscape. Some of them had a shape of a cat, other ones had a turtle shape.

Richie chuckled and pointed at a specific cloud, with a shape of a big circle.

"Hey Eds, look!"

"What did you find?" Mike said, looking at Richie's direction.

"Look over there, look, quick!"

"What is iiiiit?" Eddie playfully whined.

"It's Joe."


"Joe mama." Richie laughed until his belly hurt.

"For fuck's sake, Richie!" Eddie grunted.

Mike chuckled and elbowed Richie.

Eddie ooked back at the blue sky, and saw a peculiar cloud, separating itself into seven pieces of floating cotton pieces, shortly after, four of the seven pieces slowly disintegrate.

He took a deep breath and exhaled the air.

"That one looks like a teddy bear." Mike pointed at the sky.

"Mike! Mike!" Sonia shouted from the kitchen, she opened the door to the backyard. "Mike, your grandfather is here."

"I think time's up for me guys" Mike said, getting up and greeting Eddie and Richie. "See you tomorrow, guys?"

"Sure. Goodbye, buddy." Eddie said.

"Okily dokily, my dear Michael. Adiós, amigo." said Richie.

Mike grinned and went towards Sonia. "Bye guys, bye Mrs. Kaspbrak!"

"Bye, Hanlon." said Sonia, closing the backyard door.

Richie and Eddie laid on the grass again, now, Tozier was the one who took a deep breath.

"I saw a cloud a little before Mike left." Eddie said.


"A cloud, I saw one, but its shape was a little weird."

"Why didn't you warn us then?"

"I was about to. But something happened, the cloud separated into seven little pieces, and then, only three of them were left."

"So... what does it mean?" Richie asked, confused.

"Four of us left, Richie... I don't know if it makes sense or I'm just being delusional but it looked so metaphorical."

"Seems pretty metaphorical to me, very poetical." Richie stated.

"We promised each other we wouldn't abandon ourselves, that we wouldn't forget..." He said.

"I know, Eddie. And we won't." Richie put his hand on Eddie's shoulder. "We won't, Eddie."

"I don't know, Richie, there's always this part of me that tells the opposite." He flinched worriedly.

"Heey..." Richie hugged him. "Don't worry, man, shhh... it's okay."

"I'm fine, it's just... before I saw the cloud pieces, its shape was of a clown."

"no no, don't think of that. I'm here, okay? Mike's here too, you won't be alone."

"You promise, Richie?"

"I'm not leaving, Eds..." He smiled blushingly.

Eddie chuckled.

Richie adjusted his glasses on his face and kept talking "Why...

Derry, 2016

... did I leave you?" Richie said, with a hoarse voice, his tone was a hopeless one, his posture was curve, heavy.

"why...?" He continued, on his knees now, it started raining right after the tears of his face decided to fall.

Richie, who was looking at the clouds with his best friends twenty two years ago, now was looking at a gravestone, its name was


He couldn't keep his oath.
He couldn't keep his promise.

Richie glanced at the gray, dark, melancholic and wet sky, took a deep breath and looked back at the gravestone.

"If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting... time after time."

Richie smiled and left a bouquet of flowers on his gravestone.

"Time after..."

He got up, took a deep breath, and started to slowly walk away.

"Time after..."

Passing through the Derry Cemetery front gate, he glances the place, and suddenly, a seventeen year old Eddie is seen, smiling at him, running towards him.

"Time after time."

Derry, 1994.

"Heeey, Eddie, it's okay."

"You're the best friend I could ever ask." Eddie said cheerfully.

Richie gave a small smile at the word "best friend".

Eddie kissed Richie's cheek. "Thank you, Richie."

Derry, 2016

"Thank you, Eddie... Thank you."

Richie got in his car, started it and left.


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