Videogames - III

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(Oh shit, I forgot to write that their ages are about 16-17)

"Where are your parents?" Eddie asked as he laid his backpack near the corner table and sat on the couch.

"Well, I assume Mr. and Mrs. Tozier are off for a business trip, sir." Richie did his english Butler this time.

"Oh really?" Eddie tried the accent.

"Yes. And by the way, nice try..." Richie said, pinching Eddie's cheeks "EEEDS."

"Stooop iiiit!" Kaspbrak whined. "I told you to stop calling me that!"

"What? Right now? when? I don't remember it..." Richie sarcastically said, scratching his chin.

"Don't play dumb, Rich... heh, as if you weren't one." Eddie said, smirking.

"Aw man..." Richie crossed his arms, playing the offended.

"So, what will we be playing?"

"I don't know, what do you have in mind?"

"Do you still have that one with the boy using a giant key to fight some weird things?"

"I think I do... let me see here."

Richie opened the drawer in which contained some CD cases of various games. He started searching for a specific one and grabbed it.


"Oh I loove this one!" Eddie squealed.

"I know... that's uh... that's why I kept it."

"Really? That's so amazing, Chee." Eddie hugged him, making Richie blush.


Eddie, realizing what he had just said, turned red.

"I loved it." Richie said, calming him down. "I'll turn the videogame on and start it. Do you wanna start?"


"Great, I'll see what I can make for us to eat. If ya need any help, call me, okay?" Richie said, kissing Eddie's cheek.

"Oh uh..." Eddie frowned, but a slight small mile could be seen on his face, only Richie didn't notice. "Okay."

Richie awkwardly smiled and went to the kitchen.


"So how do I know, like, you know? How do I know if he likes me back??" Richie asked, pacing impatiently through the room.

"Richie, for fuck sake, calm down." Stan stated, making Richie stop and look at him. "First of all, he's your childhood friend, so intimacy is not a problem, and second, when he likes someone, he does that uh... thing."

"What? Jerk off?"

"RICHIE... WHAT THE FUCK?" Stan said. "NO?! He just- ah shit... notice he doesn't need his inhaler, because he feels calmer, ironically, because we generally panic when we are near the people we secretly love, anyway, not just that, he also bites his lips and runs his hand through his hair, in this exact sequence."


As Richie walked towards the kitchen, Eddie grabbed the controller and looked at him.

He smiled.

Eddie bit his lips, and ran his hand through his hair. After that, the game's hypnotic opening song started.

(By the way, yes, the game's Kingdom Hearts... also, do you want me to make a part four?)

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