Chapter Six

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This chapter has 1023 words. Long one again, but I just really enjoy myself when I'm writing these and I get a little carried away. I tried to fix all of my spelling errors, but there may be a few I missed. Thank you for reading!


King Sebastian stood there, waiting for my answer. I was fearful, but I nodded. He grabbed my wrist and turned, leading me up the stairs. We turned and walked into a separate hallway, and he let me go and gestured to a small table beside a large window, with two chairs on each side. I sat down cautiously, watching him. He stood by the table, looking outside the window above my head. He waited a moment longer before fluidly sitting down in the opposite chair. He folded his hands under his chin and stared at me. I was determined to not look a coward, and so I met his eyes head on. This earned a faint smile, and I shoved down the urge to smile back. He had a smile that could break hearts if he wanted.

"This is strange," He admitted. "A minute ago you were having a nervous breakdown."

"I'm not nervous anymore," I muttered. He shook his head, but didn't break eye contact.

"No, you're nervous." He chuckled. "I've never had anyone actually look me in the eye for almost thirty years now, you know," He murmured, his face inching a little closer, just enough for me to take notice and become a little uncomfortable. I slid the same small distance away.

This did not go unnoticed, and his eyes flashed in surprise. He smiled a little wider and my heart skipped.

"It's also the first time in a good while that I've spent more than five minutes with a human without being positively bored out of my mind," He joked. I didn't laugh, and I instantly regretted it; he started to close up again, I saw it in his eyes. I rushed to joke back, something in me wanting him to open back up, just a little. Still, I couldn't help but notice that his gaze was somewhat predatory, putting me on edge.

"This is the first time I've spent more than five minutes with a king without being bored myself," I said casually. It worked; his eyes lit up, satisfied that he wasn't as terrifying to me as he was only minutes ago. Even with the light in his eyes, he looked like he was waiting for me to show him weakness. He nodded, but became serious. His hands came around mine, and I froze.

"You're very odd, Elizabeth." He murmured, startling me a little with his casual use of my name. "Did you know that?" He asked. I stared at him, and his hands tightened on mine. "Did you know that?" He asked again, more firm. I hurriedly shook my head not knowing what he meant, and he stood, pulling me up with him. My stomach began to feel really uneasy, and I wanted to go back and find Kaden. The king let go of my hands and walked farther down the hall. I stood there, wondering if he expected me to follow him. He looked over his shoulder, saw me frozen, and waited, his hands in his pockets. He stared at me with his eyes narrowed slightly, and I felt dread creep its way up to my heart. I looked longingly back the way we came, and he cleared his throat in a meaningful manner. I rushed up to meet him.

He stopped in front of a room, and I stared at him.

"What is this?" I asked. I could feel my fear pushing adrenaline through my veins, preparing my body to run, despite the fact that it would do no good.

"Open the door, Elizabeth," He murmured in a silky voice. I shook my head, and I heard him growl very quietly. "Elizabeth, I'm not asking" He snarled. I scowled, and in a flash of confidence and anger, planted my feet.

"We haven't even known each other for even an hour. I'm not going into some mysterious room with you, your majesty." I spat the last two words at him. His eyes changed, anger flickering in them, and he growled louder.

"I don't care how long you've known me."

"I do!" I shouted, and he pushed a hand over my mouth. It wasn't hard enough to hurt, but it held enough pressure to muffle my voice. I ignored the flutter of my heart at the feeling of contact with him. I almost bit his finger, but I knew it wouldn't be worth it, and I didn't want any part of him in my mouth. He took his hand off, and I backed up, realizing too late that I was only trapping myself against the wall behind me as he slowly advanced.

"Get. Away. From me." I warned. He blinked, and a slow smile formed it's way onto his face. I clenched my fists, fighting the urge to brush a stray lock of midnight black hair from his forehead; he looked positively angelic when he smiled.

"You don't want that," he murmured, his face dipping closer to mine. I pressed myself harder against the wall as he continued, his breath cool on my lips and so, so tempting.

"You want me, Elizabeth. And out of every beautiful human girl in my estate tonight, I want you too." He whispered. I glared, ignoring my heart banging around in my chest. He laughed softly, a delightful sound that reminded me of snow blanketing the ground. He leaned back.

"But I'm not going to force you into anything. Your appearance is not the only think I'm interested" He said haughtily, watching me with those gorgeous silver orbs. "You are free to go back and enjoy the festivities." He said coolly, re-adopting his cold demeanor. I was shocked. I wondered if he had some kind of mental illness, because he changed moods so quickly. One second, he had me backed up against a wall, talking about wanting me, and the next second he was the cold king again? I glared at him for a moment, before I turned and walked back the way we came.

It was more than obvious that the king was into mind games. He wanted to infiltrate my thoughts, and as much as I hated to admit it, he succeeded in that. But I wasn't going to let him succeed in anything else.

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