Chapter Twenty-Three

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This chapter has 940 words. SEBASTIAN HAS REACHED OVER 6,000 READS AND OVER 300 VOTES! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH :D If you have anything you'd like to point out, DON'T BE AFRAID TO COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME! ILY!


"Friends of yours?" I asked after the initial relief faded. Roy, in the driver'seat, nodded.

"You're friends with a bunch of rabid wolves." I said. Roy laughed, and Kaden looked back at me and smiled sadly, like I was a student at school who just couldn't understand a math problem everyone else had already figured out.

"None of them are all wolf, Elizabeth. How in the world would I have gotten a group of wild animals into Sebastian's estate without drawing attention?"

"What are you saying?" I asked stupidly. I knew what the answer was; werewolves existed, but in Lake Village? They were killed on sight. Even if a helpless, innocent child turned out to have werewolf DNA, whether by parents or grandparents, they were murdered. There were no exceptions.

Roy glanced at me in the mirror again. "You know good and well the answer to that," He said, his eyes flickering with something for a second before he looked back at the road. Uneasiness tickled my stomach in response.

I stared out the window, watching the shadowy trees fly by; we had already gotten out of Lake Village, and were headed to who knows where. Roy's look told me not to prod any further about his "friends", and it was a foreign feeling, getting that look from him when it was always Sebastian giving me that signature look of warning. The moon shone brightly, as silver as Sebastian's eyes. Just a fast as I had the thought, though, I banished it. I looked at Kaden, who had his head resting against the window, in what I assumed was his sleeping position. His head thumped around a little as the tires drove over little ruts and rocks and bumps of the uneven ground. I leaned my head against the window beside me and tried to fall asleep.

We drove for several days. Roy and Kaden had packed plenty of food and water that, if rashioned properly, could last us a very, very long time. Roy seemed like he wasn't planning on stopping until we ran out. Sleeping was an arduous task; I could barely fall asleep half of the time, and the other half of my time was spent with a crick in my neck that I was constantly working on kneading out, never to any avail. I didn't allow Sebastian to enter my thoughts while I was awake, but he was always there when I was asleep. It was always a different setting. Sometimes, he'd be waiting for like that first day, his face cold and indifferent. Sometimes he'd be showing me around, his silver eyes warm, affectionate. Sometimes, he'd be leading me into the stained-glass room Roy had described, with his wicked smile.

One night, just as I was dozing off, Roy cursed loudly. I jumped, looking around frantically.

"What? What's going on?" Kaden's slightly raspy voice asked. Roy jerked his chin at the mirror above his head, where I could plainly see what was behind us. My eyes widened and I gasped.

A sleek, shiny black car was following us. Kaden whipped his head back, looking over his seat at it, before looking back out the windshield and putting a hand on his forehead. He always did that when he was frustrated or nervous.

"How long has it been following us?" He asked incredulously. Roy's hand came down on the steering wheel, hitting it. Meanwhile, the car followed us quietly. It wasn't trying to stop us, or even pass us; it was just following our car.

Roy sped up, and turned straight into the trees, earning a screech from me. 

"Roy you'll get us killed!" I shouted. Roy snarled at me to be quiet, and it was such an unexpected thing for him to say that I shutup. He bobbed and weaved,very narrowly missing trees and boulders. I saw a break in the woods, and Kaden sighed in relief. 

We shot through a space between two large trees, not slowing down for a second. Amazingly, there was a long, old-looking, faded road. I was taken aback by it; I had never witnessed something so old, from before things got so bad with the world. Instead of taking it, though, Roy veered left, parallel to it. I looked back and the car was gone. Massive relief rushed over me.

For approximately ten seconds, before it showed back up.

Roy sped up, making the car go impossibly faster. The car behind us sped up too, staying just behind our vehicle. We drove like that for a while, and Roy was silent. I saw in the mirror that his expression was hard and thoughtful. After thinking for what seemed like forever, he started to slow down. The other car mimicked us and slowed down, too. Roy slowly turned to the left a bit, still slowing down, until we were still. He stayed in the car, glaring at the steering wheel. The car behind us stopped also.

Sebastian stepped out of the other it, in a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans. It surprised me, him wearing clothes that were so casual. My heart thumped unevenly at the sight of him, wanting two different things that were so opposite, I had to focus hard to keep my mind straight. He neared the car, and Roy slammed his foot, making our car lurch forward. It kicked dust backwards, coating Sebastian in it. He didn't react,or even blink.

As we sped away, I saw Sebastian calmly put his hands in his pockets and watch us. I shoved the sadness out of my mind and turned around, focusing my gaze on the dark sky ahead of us.

I didn't delude myself into thinking we had won. Sebastian wasn't finished.

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