Chapter Forty

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This chapter is 1117 words long. I'M SO SO SO SORRY THAT THIS UPDATE CAME SO LATE, I HAVE HAD A REALLY CRAZY DAY. I feel so freaking bad about it, but I'll have plenty of time to update tomorrow, I promise. THANK YOU SO MUCH GETTING SEBASTIAN TO #8 IN VAMPIRE! THANK YOU FOR READING!!


Gordon had a playful arm around Isaac, completely unaware of the emotional turmoil he'd put me in. I stared at Isaac, my brows furrowed, and he stared back with a sheepish look on his face. He shrugged Gordon off and leaned in a little.

"If it helps, that's not how I wanted you to find out." His voice was soft, apologetic. Not wanting to be distracted by the greenness of his eyes, I looked away. I spotted Roy across the crowd in the kitchen, ambling around the food. 

"Roy is probably looking for me," I lied. I stepped away from him, watching the pair of emeralds in his perfect face stare at me as I walked. I turned around and headed for Roy, ignoring the gaze I felt on my back. I tapped his shoulder and he looked down and smiled at me, an odd glint in his eyes. I looked down and saw the red cup in his hand: liquor.

"I thought vampires couldn't get drunk." I stated. He laughed.

"The normal ones can't," He chortled. He tipped the cup back, emptying the rest of its contents down his throat. He promptly grabbed a square bottle of clear liquid and filled the cup right back up, and it made me nervous.

"I'm going to my room," I said. He shook his head.

"Stay here," He insisted. "You're doing really well, meeting everybody. They all like you, y'know."

"I'm tired and my cat is probably hungry." I mumbled, ignoring the fact that I sounded like a child.

Roy laughed again, taking big gulps of his drink.

"We're about to move outside and grill, aren't you hungry?"He asked. 


"Come outside with me."

"I'm going to bed," I argued. "You didn't just get rushed into a brand new town full of brand new people after being severely burned."

He grinned at me stupidly and shook his head again.

"Just come outside for a little bit. It's nice out there and you can sit by me."

I turned to walk away. "Goodnight, Roy." I said. 

He grabbed my arm. It wasn't a harsh gesture; he was gentle about it, but I didn't miss the insistence in his grip. I looked at him, mad.

"Let go."

"Come outside with me." He said, letting my arm go. I crossed them across my chest.

"Why is this so important?" I asked angrily. 

He smiled and shrugged, managing to still look boyish and cute, even though it was obvious that he'd been drinking. He leaned in really close, so close I felt his lips on my ear. I ignored the urge to step away, not wanting him to see that he made me uncomfortable with the way he was acting.

"I'm not good with alcohol." He whispered. "It stays in my system for maybe an hour, two hours at most, no matter how much I drink. Don't waste it."

"Excuse me?" I asked incredulously. "I'm not 'wasting' anything. If you want to go have fun while you're drunk, go have fun. I'm tired and I want to feed my cat and go to sleep." 

He laughed at me. 

"You want to feed your cat instead of relaxing with me? That's a really nerdy thing to say, by the way. 'Feed my cat'." He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"See you tomorrow," I snapped, walking away. Luckily, he didn't try to stop me a second time.

I stopped by the refrigerator on my way out and rummaged through it, looking for a suitable dinner for Elmer. I grabbed some shredded chicken and stuffed it into a bowl.

When I opened my door, I had to jab a foot out to stop him from bolting out of the room. He gave an excited meow when he saw that I was carrying a bowl, and I set it down on the floor next to him. He gave his usual growl as he yanked the meat away from me, eating it in a corner where nobody could steal it from him.

I shuffled to the bed against the wall and fell onto it, not bothering to take my shoes off. I closed my eyes, ignoring the lights above my head that I forgot to turn off, and tried to fall asleep.

I was almost asleep when there was a quiet knock on my door. I didn't get up, hoping that whoever it was would assume I was sleeping and just go away. They knocked again, and I stayed silent. After one long moment, a soft voice spoke through the door.

"Elizabeth?" Isaac asked. "Is everything okay?"

The last thing I wanted to do was talk to an alpha. I ignored him, keeping my eyes shut.

"Not answering makes me think everything isn't okay. And I'm not adverse to kicking the door down," He said, and I heard a smile in his voice. I groaned and got up. I opened the door and peered up at a pair of dazzling green eyes. It wasn't something anybody could get used to.

He grinned at me.

"Hiding from the festivities?" He asked. I nodded, pinching the bridge of my nose with my fingers; I was getting a headache. I moved aside to let him in and he strode forward. It was odd, knowing he was an alpha, but I could plainly see it in him as he walked. He walked with a purpose, his chin held high. 

"I can understand that," He said. "There are thirty people jammed into the house and you only know four of them. Five, including me. And one is out there getting drunk." 

"Yeah." I muttered, not understanding why he felt the need to point out the obvious.

He sat on my bed and fiddled with my blanket.

"Can I ask you something?" He murmured, his voice silky soft. 

"I guess."

"You're very interesting. I want to see more of you. How do you feel about going out alone with me?" He asked shyly. I squinted, confused.

"As in?"

"A date. I want to get to know you better. Would you want to do that?"

I was dumbfounded. 

"Oh-kay?" I said, the answer coming out sounding like a question. He laughed a little and looked up at me from beneath his ridiculously long eyelashes. He was so beautiful it made me jealous.

"Awesome, I can take you out anytime after six on any day but Wednesday."

I only nodded, still slightly confused. He stood in one smooth movement, and leaned in to hug me. I stood there as his warm arms wrapped around me, unsure of what to do. I knew that he wanted me to return the gesture, but I was still in a state of shock. 

He acted like he didn't notice. He kissed my cheek and wished me sweet dreams, closing the door quietly behind him.

I stared at the door for a long moment, wondering what had happened.

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