Chapter Nine

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This chapter has 1015 words. AND THE BOOK HAS OVER 100 READS! I'm irrationally excited about this, you just have no clue :'D I apologize in advance for any spelling errors, I wrote this chapter in the course of about three hours, because I've been busy today and have had to keep leaving it and then coming back to add to it. Thank you for reading! Like, seriously!


The doctor said that Dad was certainly getting better, but because he was getting healthier, he'd be facing some hard times. For example, one day, he can be bright and happy and able-bodied. The very next day, though, he could be in so much pain that he's forced to stay in bed. However, my mother refused to let that dampen her joy at the fact that he was getting better. He even picked up some work, and his new boss was understanding about his sickness and allowed him to come in on his better days and stay home on his bad days.

I retrieved the box I had hidden under the house, and quietly took it to my room. Mom and Kaden and Dad were out fishing; none of them knew that I had been required to go back to the king's large estate. I placed it on my bed and opened it, swatting Elmer away, as his immediate reaction to any sort of box was to hop into it. Inside the box was more jewelry, a pair of shoes, and a simple black dress. The jewelry consisted of a necklace with red rubies in it, and matching earrings. The shoes were red high-heels, but thankfully, they were only two inches or so. While the last thing I wanted to do was talk to the king, I had to admit, I looked forward to seeing Roy again. I still had some petty anger in my system; if the king wasn't so controlling, I'd have never tripped over the stupid box he sent and Elmer wouldn't have run away, and my family would never have been put at risk. At the same time, though, I couldn't refuse. The note said I didn't have a choice.

I tried the dress on, and it came down to just past my knees. I was grateful; I'd expected a not-too-pg-13 kind of dress. I looked at the clock and sighed. I had less than an hour, and my family wasn't home yet. I went into the bathroom and grabbed my straightening iron, an expensive gift from my childhood friend on my 12th birthday, before she was old enough to realize a girl of her status shouldn't be meddling with a girl of mine. I kept the dress on and straightened my hair, which was a slow process because I had so much of it. Mom and Dad refused to let me cut my hair. As I was getting to the last bit of it, I heard my family bang through the door in a storm of laughs and various crashing noises. My heart thudded, anticipating their individual responses to my news. I stayed in the bathroom and finished my hair, and scurried into my room to put on the shoes and jewelry. I had less than twenty minutes before the car came to pick me up, and I walked slowly into the living room, dreading telling them.

They were all sitting on the floor of the living room, not paying attention. Kaden glanced up at me and froze for a second before speaking.

"You look awfully dolled up," He said. Mom and Dad turned to look at me, and Mom's eyebrows furrowed.

"Elizabeth, what's going on?" She asked. Dad nodded, seconding her question. I laughed nervously.

"I have to go back to see the king today. He sent me this outfit. I didn't want to tell you guys because you all have enough to worry about," I explained. Mom stood and brushed herself off, and Dad followed. Kaden stretched out on the floor, leaning back against the couch.

"You're going back?" Mom asked. I nodded.

"And you're sure you want to?" My dad followed. I didn't want to tell him that I had to, so I only nodded again. Mom and Dad looked at each other for a long moment.

"Lizzy, I'm not sure if this is good for you," Dad started. 

"Look Dad, it's just one visit. I didn't want to tell you because you're only just now getting better, y'know? I didn't want to stress you out," I said. Dad sighed, and ran a hand through his hair.

"I know, and I trust you, but this is very serious."

"I know it is."

"And you still want to go?"


They stared at me for a long moment, their expressions thoughtful.

Mom stepped forward. "If you really want to go, well, we can't stop you. But from now on, I want to know everything, okay?" She demanded.

"Yeah, I'll tell you everything." If he has me back after this, I added mentally. Mom nodded.

"Alright, when is a car supposed to be here?"

I looked at the clock by the door. "In about five or ten minutes."

"What?"  Kaden asked, sitting up.

"In about five or-"

"You're seriously going to go over there? I thought you hated him?" He asked. I looked at him, confused as to why he was so angry all of a sudden.

"Yes I'm seriously going over there." I snapped. Kaden laughed, but it didn't sound like he found anything funny.

"So, what? Are you two gonna go on dates? Get married? Have little vampire babies? You've got to be kidding me."

"Shutup, Kaden! This is none of your business, just butt out!" I shouted. Kaden rolled his eyes, got up, and strode to his room, his shoulder shoving mine as he passed and almost knocking me down. I turned to shout something at him, but was stopped by the sound of a car door shutting. Mom rushed to the door and opened it.

My eyes found a pair of amber ones, and mom moved aside, letting me out. He wasn't smiling, but I could see laughter in eyes and he moved out of the doorway. I looked at Mom and Dad, and they smiled at me.

"Have a good time, honey." Mom said, patting my back awkwardly.

"But not too good of a time, please," My dad called. I laughed nervously and stepped out of the house, making my way to the car. After the front door was closed, Roy looked over at me.

"You can have shotgun," He said, grinning at my nervousness, and I got in the passenger seat.

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