Chapter Forty-Eight

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This chapter has 1068 words. SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE! I've had so much homework, and on top of that, I applied to two more colleges today. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR READING, I LOVE YOU!


While Isaac was gone, I went and sat by Roy. I wasn't sure if his eye would be able to grow back, and I didn't want to be a rude by asking. He'd healed very fast; as I looked at him, he didn't look nearly as bad as he did just minutes before. He looked back at me with his good eye, and I watched it regain more of its amber color as his body recuperated. I wasn't sure if he could talk, so I just smiled at him in what I hoped to be a reassuring manner. The corners of his mouth lifted in response.

I tried to keep my eyes away from the horrific hole where one of his used to be, but it was difficult. Eventually, I couldn't stand it, and I had to ask. I tried to phrase it in a way that wouldn't offend him. I pointed at it.

"Will that grow back or..?"

Compassion was always my strong suit.

Roy coughed a laugh while I mentally cursed myself for never being able to say something correctly.

"Yes," He croaked. I nodded.

"That's good," I said stupidly. He coughed out another laugh.

The door opened and Isaac walked inside sideways, because of the buckets on his shoulders. He placed them carefully on the ground by the fireplace and sat cross-legged beside them, lighting the wood because it was already well after dark. He began heating the water up, and he looked over his shoulder at me for a moment.

"I'm not kidding about the mattress, by the way." His voice was casual.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed with you." I stated. He turned his attention back to the water.

"I'm not sleeping on the floor and I'm not letting Roy move away from my mattress anytime soon. Not to mention, I'm like ten feet taller than you. You don't really get a choice."

He had a point, and the floor wasn't exactly comfortable. Besides, the mattress wasn't small, and I reasoned with myself that I'd just sleep on one end while he slept on the other. Plus, he was much bigger than me. If I refused, he could literally pick me up and move me to the side. If he could pick up several huge boulders, he could launch me across a country.

Elmer wove around my ankles, and I leaned down to scratch his chin. He closed his eyes and purred, a comfortingly familiar sound that made me feel a little better.

After Isaac warmed up all of the water and poured it into the bathtub, he urged me to go take a bath to relax. I refused at first, but after some intense threats, I grabbed a change of clothes and got in.

The water was heavenly. I shouldn't have been surprised that he'd be right about it relaxing me, because he was right about everything else, but I still felt some slight shock at how right on the dot he was about my muscles "probably being all tensed up". I stayed in the bathtub for what felt like an hour or two, and I finally got out because the water had turned from hot to cool. 

When I walked out of the bathroom, I smelled something delicious, coming from the kitchen. I shuffled over, and saw Isaac making more of his tasty soup. His head turned slightly, but he otherwise ignored my presence and kept cooking.

I padded up beside him, and watched what he did. He had fresh meat, and I looked at him, confused.

"I hunt." He said simply. He didn't elaborate, and I wasn't sure I wanted him to. 

By the time he finished making it, I was almost bouncing on my heels in anticipation. He laughed and grabbed a glass bowl, pouring some of the soup into it. He found two spoons from somewhere, but they looked clean and I didn't feel uncomfortable eating off of one. He grabbed a different bowl and poured his share into it and led me into the living room, where Roy was laying on Isaac's mattress, slowly but surely healing himself. His head flopped over in our direction, and he gave me a small smile.

Isaac sat down on my mattress and patted the spot beside him. I sat down hesitantly, keeping a respectable distance between us. Isaac didn't react, and twirled his spoon around his soup before eating a spoonful. I ate mine in silence, watching Roy's skin as it melded itself together. 

"If Sebastian comes back, he'll kill me," He rasped, finding it easier to talk as he healed more. I didn't bother trying to lie. I nodded, focusing my attention on the bowl of soup. Roy coughed out a laugh.

"That's okay," He said, his voice sounding like his throat was submerged in sandpaper. "I don't regret why he would."

I felt anger rise up in my chest, but I tried to shove it away. I didn't want to argue with Roy about Sebastian, especially when he was in such a damaged state. I shrugged at him, ignoring the sudden fire in my veins.

Sebastian may have done something terrible to him, but at least Roy got to live. He didn't lose a lot of his humanity like Sebastian did, and I believed that he should be happy it ended like it did, rather than being bitter over something that could've ended much, much worse. He blew up Sebastian's entire kingdom, and while I didn't exactly hate the fact that he got rid of the wall, I hated the fact that he did it while knowing how close numerous families and hospitals were to the wall. He didn't care about ending thousands of innocent lives; he only cared about some petty revenge on Sebastian for an act committed before my grandma was born. 

Isaac watched me as I was conumed in thought, but I ignored him, too.

His warm hand touched my thigh, and I resisted the urge to yank it back. It wasn't that I hated it; it felt delightfully warm there, on my thigh, but the sudden guilt that shot through my chest made me give it a second thought.

As I finished my bowl of soup, my worry grew.

What if we didn't find Sebastian? What if he decided to not come back? We couldn't go back to the town we escaped from, and we had no idea where Sebastian had planned to take us. 

I stared at the door, wondering where he could be.

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