News and Stuff

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I've unpublished the second book of Sebastian and as of now, I don't intend to publish it back. Let's be honest, it was awful and rushed and when I read back over it, it makes me supremely embarrassed. 

Legacy will still be ongoing for those of you who want to read it. 

I will be updating regularly again, but on a different project that I will show everyone soon (the most recent chapter in this book being a sneak peek.) Until then, Legacy will have semi-regular chapter updates. I may update several times in one day, or once every three days. It depends. But I'm definitely done mulling around and not putting anything up.

I took a break because I was getting so, so stressed. Don't get me wrong, I'm plenty stressed all the time, but I work really well under moderate and reasonable pressure. Until now, I've had too much on my plate to add something else. Now I have more than enough room, as I've picked a college and hashed out the details and all that. 

If you've read this far, you're the best! Thank you so much!

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