Chapter Nineteen

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This chapter has 1272 words in it. If Mya is reading this, hi Mya! If Laura is reading this, you finally get to see me "naked" wink wonk. Anyway, THIS BOOK IS AT OVER 2k! IT REACHED #58 IN VAMPIRE AND I CAN'T EVEN COMPREHEND ALL OF THIS. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL :'D I think I fixed all of the errors, but if you find something that is just bugging you a lot, I'm more than happy to receive CONSTRUCTIVE criticism :) Thank you guys SOOOOOO MUCH for reading!


I had fallen asleep in the backseat, and I blinked several times, my eyes still foggy from sleep. It was still nighttime, and my head was propped up on something warm. My eyes cleared a little more, and I looked up. I found a pair of glowing amber eyes staring back down at me, and I was sluggish to realize; Roy had moved to the backseat, and my head was resting on his lap. He noticed me looking, and grimaced. He leaned in a little, and I felt his warm hand move to my neck.

"Sorry." He murmured, and I barely registered the small pinch before I was shoved back into unconsciousness again.


When I woke up, my neck was sore and my back felt like it had been slammed into a brick wall. I was laying on something hard, and I lifted my head, flinching at the pain that shot through it. I was surrounded by stone walls, and I had been sleeping on the floor. I slowly sat up, ignoring the ache in my back, and spotted a simple wooden door on the wall in front of me. Light was streaming in from a small, barred window to my right. I leaned forward and placed my hands on the floor, preparing to lift myself up. 

The door squeaked open, and Kaden's face peered in the crack. Relief flooded his face as he opened the door wider. He carried a tray with a glass of water, and what looked to be some kind of soup in a gray bowl. He stepped inside and walked over to me, kneeling down to my level and placing the tray on the floor in front of me.

"When you're done eating, there's a bathroom on the very first door on the left, right next to this room. Take a shower and come down the hall, into the living room." He said, his eyes looking me over as if he were checking to make sure I had no injuries. He noticed my skeptical expression; We'd only used showers if we were at a wealthy friend's house, which was never often. He laughed at me.

"I know, I had a hard time figuring it out," He grinned. "The left knob is hot water and the right is cold. You'll have to figure out how warm you want it, add cold water as needed, stuff like that," He explained. I nodded, not trusting my voice; my throat was so dry it felt like sandpaper when I swallowed. Kaden smiled at me, and got up and left, closing the door softly behind him.

I chugged the water. It was hard to swallow it at first, and I wanted to throw it back up almost immediately. I cursed myself for drinking it so fast, holding in the nausea. After it passed, I took a sip of the soup and coughed. My stomach was still sick from the water, so I left the soup where it was and headed to look for the bathroom. I found it, and spotted a small pile of clothes and a towel waiting for me on the tiny sink. I sorted through them and found a pair of denim women's pants, a simple white t-shirt, a pair of sandals, and plain set of underwear. I looked at the small shower, and turned the left knob, then the right, and then the left again, until I got it to a temperature I could tolerate.

After I got out and got dressed, I walked down the hall, looking around. There were two other doors on either side of the walls, and the hallway led into a small living room area, where Kaden was sitting with his head bent over something on a coffee table beside a couch. There was a short wall that separated the kitchen from the living room, and I saw Roy's back as he opened and closed the cupboards. Kaden looked up and caught my gaze, patting the seat beside him. I sat, and I saw that a map lay on the coffee table. I looked at it, tilting my head one way, and then tilting it the other. I didn't know how to read a map, but Kaden was staring at it intently, his fingers hovering over it and moving along invisible lines.

Roy stepped around the little partition, holding a cup of something. He spotted me sitting by Kaden and gave me an once over, nodding a little bit, as if confirming that I was decent. He took a seat beside me on the couch, whatever liquid in his mug giving off a rich, hearty smell: Coffee. Dad never bought the kind that smelled like that.

He set his cup beside the map and turned to me. Kaden ignored us, still engrossed by the it.

"You're probably confused," He assumed. I nodded. "I can't tell you everything right now, but what I do tell you, it doesn't leave this house. Okay?" He asked.

"Okay," I agreed cautiously. He seemed satisfied with my answer and continued.

"This is an old house that belonged to my aunt. It's just outside of the wall, and Sebastian has forgotten about it. Still, we need to leave again in a day or so, get farther away" He explained. My mouth popped open.

"Outside the wall?" I asked. Roy nodded. "But that's impossible. Nobody can make it out like that, in one night," I argued. Roy looked like he was fighting with himself for a long moment before he answered.

"I can," He said simply. I grew frustrated.

"But how?" I asked. Roy sighed, running a hand through his hair. Kaden looked up, and he and Roy stared at each other. I only grew more angry as time wore on. Finally, Kaden's eyes flickered to mine and Roy took a sip from his cup. His slowness was aggravating.

"When Sebastian had the wall built, I helped out," He said hesitantly. "I hid an opening on the northern side, and an old friend of mine built a small security system for it."

I stared at him, confused.

"But that wall was built over a hundred years ago."

Roy nodded, watching me. 

"But you're just.." I trailed off. I looked at him, and it felt like I was seeing him for the first time. The thing tugging at my brain the night before came to the forefront of my mind, and I slowly started putting the pieces together.

I thought about all the similar little habits they shared, the way they both wear the same expressions when they're angry, the way Roy managed to fight an angry vampire without getting seriously injured. It didn't make sense, though; Sebastian was cold and broody, while Roy was warm and friendly. Their hair color didn't match, their eyes didn't match, and yet, the way they moved and their nervous tics were nearly the same. I stared at Roy, who obviously saw my thought process, but didn't deny what he knew I was thinking.

"You and..Sebastian?" My voice came up an octave at the end, making it sound more like a question than the accusation I was going for.

Roy sighed again, a sigh I realized was identical to Sebastian's. He ran a hand through his hair again too, another act I couldn't help but compare to Sebastian. Roy spoke, and my heart stopped.

"It's a long story," He muttered. "It's not some crazy revelation, like we're brothers or something. It's a lot more complicated than that," He explained. I shook my head.

"Answer the question." I said, managing to make my voice firm. He rolled his eyes, breaking some of the tension.

"Yeah, we're related," He said. "But it isn't what you think. I am human. Kind of."

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