Chapter Sixty

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This chapter has 982 words in it (Excluding the bottom half). Please read the author's note at the bottom, as well as the description for Isaac! I love you! :)


I decided to go to Isaac's room instead of mine. I sat on his bed and fiddled with the large comforter, trying to distract myself from the look in his face when I turned and looked at him, before I left. I didn't like it; it was too wild, too angry. He stared at Derrick with so much hatred it made my stomach churn, and I was afraid he'd do something stupid.

I waited and waited, but he didn't come back. The sun was slowly setting, and I watched the door closely, searching for any indication that he'd walk through it. After a while, I fell asleep on his bed.

I was woken up by a familiar grunt. For a moment, I didn't realize where I was. When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside, and the room was black from the lack of light. I reached over and felt blindly for the lamp beside his bed, and it clicked on easily, giving the room a warm glow.

I saw that Isaac was carrying something, and I sat up, trying to get a better look. I gasped when I saw what he was pulling into his room.

It was a small elderly woman, who whimpered a little as he dragged her across the floor. I knew immediately that it was Derrick's mother, and I jumped out of the bed and crouched down beside her.

"Isaac, what did you do?!" I asked frantically.

"Put her on the bed. We need something to hold her mouth closed." He muttered, his sandy hair unkempt and falling over his forehead. It disguised his eyes as he looked down at the helpless old lady, and I shook my head, glaring at him.

"Put her back." I demanded. Isaac's eyes found mine, and for the first time ever, we waged a silent battle. 

"I'm getting out of here. She's," He jerked his head towards Derrick's mother."Coming with me. You can come with us or stay here."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice rising.

"Derrick has Sebastian hooked up to something that's making him so dead-acting. In my book, that's going back on his word. I'm going to go home and get my pack, and then I'm going to convince Roy to persuade the packs around him to follow me temporarily."

"And then what?" I snapped. "What will that accomplish?"

"I'm getting Sebastian out. The only way I can do that now is if I surprise him."

"You think he won't notice a huge group of wolves barging into his palace."

"I think he'll give me what I want if I cause enough damage." He corrected me.

I stared at him incredulously.

"So you're going to find a way to leave with his mother, go collect a bunch of wolves, come back inside somehow, and demand that he give you Sebastian? You don't even like Sebastian." I argued. 

"You don't understand." He said. "He's twisted. There's something in him that shouldn't be there, and I need to kick it down before it gets out of hand. He's got a God complex. This isn't about rescuing Sebastian. It's about showing Derrick that he isn't the most powerful being in the world. Sebastian just so happened to be the opening I needed."

"You're starting a war, you know." I said. "What you're planning on doing will start a war. Except you don't have an army like he does. You don't have seaports. You don't have any kind of training system for the people who'll fight. If you decide you wanna do this, you'll die and kill everyone on your team." My voice was softer at the end, losing the anger. Isaac's eyes softened, too.

"I think you're overreacting." He said. Meanwhile, the weak woman beside me kicked feebly.

"Just take her back," I reasoned. "Then leave. Take some time to plan, to gather the people you want. You don't have to do this on an impulse, and taking her with you will make him act a lot faster."

Much to my relief, I saw Isaac's face change as he considered. He looked at Derrick's mother and sighed. 

"Will you be coming with me?" He asked me.

I knew I couldn't go with him. It'd be too suspicious; Derrick wasn't stupid. If Isaac and I disappeared, he'd eventually come to the conclusion that something was being planned.

"I can't," I said, somehow managing to keep my voice strong, certain. "I need to be here to act like I have no idea what's going on. He doesn't know that I know about Sebastian."

Hurt shone in Isaac's eyes for a moment, but he knew I was right. He nodded, and looked at the elderly woman. He moved his mouth to her ear and whispered something, to which she nodded frantically. He stood and picked her up, a little too rough for my liking, and left.

A few long moments passed, and he opened the door quietly. He strode over and pulled me close, tilting my head up with his finger.

"I'll be back in a month, maybe less." He promised. I opened my mouth to argue that he needed more than just one month, but he placed a quick kiss on my lips. He turned towards the window.

"How high up are we?" He asked, his voice casual.

"Wait, you're not going to ju-"

I was cut off by him swinging the window open and leaping out of it. I barely contained the shriek that wanted to escape and ran to the window. I saw his body hit the ground, and my breathing stopped. Time froze for what seemed like hours, until he threw me what I assumed was a thumbs up. I watched him run down the dimly lit streets until I couldn't see him anymore.

He promised me he'd be back in a month. He had an important job to do, to go rally as much people as possible and get them ready for battle.

But I had an important job, too. I was determined to buy him as much time as I could, and I began practicing my story in my head.


Yay! Thank you sooo much for reading Sebastian, I can't imagine what I'd be doing now if I never started writing this book. You've given me so much support and you've made me feel so loved, it's just completely unreal. I love you all so dang much!

I will publish the first chapter of Isaac tomorrow or POSSIBLY Wednesday. Please stick with me, guys, because I have big plans in store :)

WARNING: Isaac will be significantly more mature than Sebastian. I will place warnings at each chapter, as well as warnings just before any kind of mature content. 

Written below is the description (a VERY rough draft of it, that is) for Isaac. I hope you enjoy!


"Don't." She said, her voice sharp. I stared at the knife in my hand, and looked at her. Her eyes were so similar to Elizabeth's, so easy to lose myself in.

"This won't solve anything." She growled. "The only thing this will do is make complicated things even worse."

I felt myself falling lower and lower, and my grip on the knife tightened. She saw this, and then her lips were on mine, pulling me back up.


Isaac started a war with a king who had everything he didn't: skilled trainers, resources, an army. Isaac had a girl he was desperate to get back to, and a mission to knock a vicious king with a dangerous God-complex out of power, to show him that he didn't control everything around him.

He traded one tyrant for another. He was determined to save the king that was captured by a king, in hopes that the girl he wanted would see what he was willing to sacrifice.

But Isaac and his allies are like ants facing an elephant. Until a mysterious, dark and brutally honest warrior comes to level the field, with her own mission in mind.

Will Isaac succeed in taking down the man that has everything? Or will he succumb to his own dark thoughts and take failure into his own hands?

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