Chapter Fifty

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This chapter ONLY HAS 500 WORDS BECAUSE I'VE BEEN EDITING PHOTOS FOR THE SECOND BOOK OF THIS SERIES, which I will begin writing VERY SOON. It is very time consuming, and the results may not show the effort I put into it, but I will attach one of the options in my chapter tomorrow. SORRY FOR SUCH A SHORT CHAPTER! THANK YOU ALL FOR SUPPORTING SEBASTIAN AND ELIZABETH AND ISAAC AND ROY AND ELMER! I LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUUUUCHHHH!


Isaac didn't talk to me much after Sebastian came back, and it hurt me more than it should've. More than once I would catch his eye, and he'd stare at me for a long moment, his emerald eyes angry, before he looked away.

Sebastian was different, too. He no longer wanted to talk about anything. Instead, anytime I sat down or stood still or anything, he always made it a point to stick close. I knew why. Sebastian wasn't stupid; if I could notice Isaac's sideways glances, Sebastian definitely could.

Meanwhile, Roy was nowhere to be seen. With Sebastian around, it wasn't safe for him to be anywhere close to us all.

I was dozing off on my mattress, when I felt it shake a little. I kept my breathing even, listening. I heard the quiet click of the door shutting, and I waited for a few more minutes, knowing exactly who was leaving and waiting for them to get a good distance away before I looked.

I sat up, and saw that Sebastian was gone, like I'd suspected. I padded over to Isaac, who had an arm resting under his chin, his green eyes closed and his face peaceful. I leaned down and reached to shake him.

His eyes snapped open, glowing bright green, even in the faint light of the fireplace. I gasped and jumped back, almost tripping over my own feet. He watched me, without a trace of sleepiness in his eyes; he'd been awake, too, only he was a much better actor than I was. I regained my composure and sat on the edge of his mattress.

"Where do you think he went?" I asked quietly. I saw his body move as he shrugged.

"We need to leave, though." His voice was muffled slightly by his arm, and his mesmerizing eyes watched me closely, looking for a reaction. There was something off about his eyes. For one of the first times since I'd met him, he looked weary and a little fearful. I kept my face neutral.

"Yeah." I agreed hesitantly. Did he mean him, Sebastian and I? Or him and Roy and I? Or just us two?

"So we wait," He mumbled, his eyes on the fire instead of me. "He's been leaving around this time for the past two days. He's gone for about an hour or more each time, and he comes back just before you wake up."

So without Sebastian, then. The thought shot a pang of guilt through me, but I could see why Isaac believed we should leave without Sebastian. He'd been acting suspicious, to the point of untrustworthiness. I couldn't shake the feeling that he'd done something terrible.

At the time, I had no idea.

After Isaac and I decided that we'd leave as soon as possible, the very next day preferably, I stumbled back to my mattress and fell into a troubled sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my mattress anymore. I wasn't even in the house. A hand slapped over my mouth and nose, covered with something that smelled strongly of chemicals. I spiraled back into unconsciousness.

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