Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Warning: Contains bad words.


After enduring Vivian's heavy glare as I grabbed a different outfit out of the large closet, I made my way back to Isaac's room.

He was waiting in the hallway, and when he saw me, he pushed away from the wall and gave me a reassuring smile. He hadn't bothered changing.

"Think Derrick's mother is alive?" I asked him as we walked. He seemed to know the way, and as I focused on his face, I noticed the way his nose flared occasionally; he was using Sebastian's scent to lead the way. He shrugged.

"You never know with that guy," He said. I sighed, knowing he was right.

We got there in no time. Before I knew it, we were at a familiar set of large double doors, and the guards automatically straightened and pointed their guns at us.

The doors opened from the inside, and Derrick poked his head out.

"Come in." His voice was no longer warm or friendly, but I wasn't worried. I recognized the behavior from Sebastian; a king didn't have to be a king when he was alone with friends, but otherwise, he always had to stay on guard.

Isaac and I squeezed through the small opening between the doors. Derrick shut them as soon as we were inside and pressed a confusing sequence of numbers into a sleek screen. There was a strange, deep clicking sound, and I assumed that it meant the doors were locked. Derrick turned and walked past us.

"Follow." His voice was full of authority, and I felt Isaac bristle beside me. Being an alpha, he instinctively hated taking orders. Still, we followed Derrick and he didn't protest.

We were led down a small hallway and to a door with a lock on the outside. Derrick typed in a long sequence of numbers, and before he pressed the 'confirm' button, he looked at us.

"I'm not legally allowed to let you speak to him." He said. "Please understand the gravity of the situation here. Your discretion will keep him alive." His voice was dark. My mouth almost popped open. Anger rose in my throat.

"But you said-"

"I said that if he returned my mother alive, I could pardon him. He did return her to me alive, and I will keep my word. However, an official pardon requires an extreme act of heroism from the criminal, and takes several weeks to complete. If anyone finds out that he's here during that time, everyone will want him dead. I won't deny them that." 

"So you lied." I snapped. Derrick looked at me, his eyes hard.

"He didn't lie, Elizabeth." Isaac said, surprising me. I looked at him, incredulous. He looked right back at me. "The only way Sebastian will die is if we tell someone about him. And can you blame Derrick for thinking that way? Would you trade your entire home and the people in it for one person who has done nothing but cause  damage?"

When he put it like that, I couldn't argue. Still, I glared at Derrick.

"Can we see him now?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. Derrick met my gaze, unflinching, and pressed the button.

The door opened, and Isaac and I walked inside.

Sebastian was sitting on the floor, against a comfy-looking bed. He didn't look at us as we came in. A few strands of black hair hung over his face, and he wore a thick black sweater and matching jeans. He didn't look like he was in any kind of distress, and relief flooded through me. I approached him carefully and sat in front of him.

His eyes found mine, and they were empty. Isaac took a seat beside me, stretching his legs out in front of him. I stared at Sebastian, at his emotionless eyes, and I felt my heart slowly dropping.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Sebastian didn't respond. He continued to stare at me, blank and unfeeling, and I wanted to curl in on myself. 

"Enjoy your walk?" Isaac asked. "Have a good time?"

Sebastian's gaze shifted to Isaac's, and they stared each other down for a long moment. 

"Talk to me," Sebastian's voice was a low growl. "When you grow up."

"I wonder if any of those kids you murdered when you blew up several schools wanted to grow up." Isaac said, venom dripping in his voice. I looked between them, shocked. I wasn't told that he'd blown schools up.

Sebastian's eyes remained void of emotion, and I got up, frustrated.

"We didn't come to annoy you," I snapped. Sebastian watched me blankly.

"So go." He said, his voice monotone. I shoved down the hurt that came as a result of his words and looked at Isaac, who stood and followed me out.

Derrick was waiting for us outside, and he immediately locked the door. It echoed as the locks clicked into place, and I couldn't help but think that it sounded oddly final.

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