can't think.

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Voices. They are fading in and out. They are never the same. But they are, somehow.

I feel it in my arms and my legs and in my brain. I feel it forcing my dead heart to beat, something it hasn't done in one hundred years. But the only thing left for it to pump through my dry veins is the poison.

The voices are back. They echo. It's getting harder to think.

I have a headache. I haven't had a headache for a while. How old am I? That long.

Thinking hurts.

I remember a face. I focus on it even though it hurts. It's a girl. She has wild red hair and playful brown eyes. She smiled at me a lot. Then she died. I think.

I open my eyes and stare at the wall in front of me. It hurts to think, but I do it anyway. I try to get up, but something is piercing my back, connecting me to the floor. I'm angry.

A girl comes in to see me. The wolf is with her. But I don't care. I'm angry. The girl speaks first, and I snap a response back at her. The wolf yells at me I think, and I respond again. Calmer this time, I believe. 

They both leave. I think I made the girl cry. 

Someone else comes in the room, and I know who he is. He bends down to look in my eyes. His voice echoes. Another person comes in. He has a white coat. It hurts to think.

"It's working," the first man says. The man in the coat nods. My head gets dizzy watching it.

I can't think.

"He'll be in this zombie-like state for as long as the serum is in him." the man in the coat says. I think about their words even though I don't want to. It hurts.

"And how long will he...operate like this while being unhooked from the pumps?" the first man asks.

"With him, a good while. He has more than enough in him to last a full day. Maybe two."

The first man smiles. Light gets thrown off his teeth. It hurts my head.

"Perfect." the first man says. 

They leave. I stare at the wall.

I don't want to think anymore.

It hurts to think.

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